Age: 39 Birthday: June 19
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June 19
Name / Initiated name
vraja isvari devi dasi Giridhari Swami Maharaja
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
What are your expectations from this community?
Describe any specific service you would love to offer to Lord Krishna & His devotees?
Hare Krishna dandvats, Mataji. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I do hereby wish you all the best in Krishna consciousness, Gauranga, Radhe Radhe, Hari Bol! Hare Krishna.
hare Krishna
All Glories to Shila Prabhupada.
All Glories to Guru & Gauranga.
All Glories to Go-Mata.
Dear, Prabhuji , Mataji
Please accept my Humble obeisances , I do hope this meet you on good health.
My name is Asitdas,year 1980 to 1985 I was Brahmachari in Iskcon Movement,
Ride now I am in shelter of H.H.Radhanath Swami & disciple .My life's goal
is only to Save Cow, Save Earth (Soil) & Save Desi Bija(seeds), its non-hybrid seeds
this is my Krishna Consciousness service.
But from last 20 years study Indian Cow Breed & organic farming.Last
12 years happen to the co-ordinater (central India) for Bhartiya Go-vansh Rakshan Parishad.
Running Kamdhenu Kutumbkam its save Cow, save Earth,Save Desi Bija(seeds) movement.
I conducts seminar of(zero buget natural farming) natural Farming Proses (vedic way) & desi seed Bank for farmers.
So, Prabhuji I want to point out few things ,those are taking away us from
Bhakti & Sadhana. Those are Very essential in our life i.e. grains,vegetables,fruits,milk.
We know all these are totally contaminated through chimicals,pesticides, genetically modifide seeds ,we thinks all are Sim's to vegetarian.
Unfortunately they are not vegetarian, because all these G.M.O. grains, vegetables,fruits are
contains animal gene like fish,hog,spider,cockroach,any animals. Also our milk form hybrid
cow means cow-baffle-hog- horse . So please thinks if we take such so called veg. food, what will
happen to our consciousness. Certainly this Tamasik 'Ahara' will effects our Krishna Consciousness & devotee's life
in Iskcon movement. How we will achieve Sadhana & Bhakti & ultimate Goal of life. All we are aware of this results in our Iskcon.
Shila Prabhupada knew all this will happen in future. He always mention in his Books about ' Go-Brahman Hitayac..'.
Go-Raksha & self sufficient farming community for our every centers around the world, to get
desi cow milk, organic desi food 'Satvik aahara' for devotees.But Iskcon centers tried lot according to Shila Prabhupada's wish.
Unfortunately they do not get proper guidance for Natural way of farming i.e. vedic farming way.
For ex. in year 80-90 all
Iskcon farms go for hybrid seeds,chemical fertilizers & pesticides ,hybrid cow (jars i/ho stein), but ride now quit few
are turn to expensive organic farming, Desi Cows (Indian Cows) with hump,
Still their is time to improve our way of farming techniques with (govansh) cow & bull. Someone has to come forward
began this process of natural farming way then slowly gradually other will follow. It is very easy, by help
of only one cow need to cultivate 10 arcs of farmland.This is totally unbelievable theory, & also desi Bija Pedhi means non-hybrid seed bank to gen run soon . From this
Natural Farming you will get desi grains-vegetables-fruits in few years it will be self sufficients for community. So the Devotees
will get 'Satavik Anna' towards to achieve Bhakti & Sadhana.
I have given many years of life for Natural Farming expriments, I have many fast ideas to Run ISKCON's Desi Seed Bank, please take advantage as soon as possible.
Wherever Farming Communities of Iskcon please Mail me, invite me for seminar of Natural Farming technics ,
Certainly I will spare time to teach natural farming your community, This will my service to LORD KRISHNA.
service of Lord Krishna
My humble Obeisances to You mataji...please accept my request to add you in this network. HareKrsna...
Ur Servant...
Please accept my humble obeisance’s,
All glories to srila prabhupad.
Dandvat Pranam,
I have a daily KC mails group in which I send daily KC mails (Pastimes of Lord Krishna, Stories, Previous Acaryas Quotes etc.)to so many devotees if you want to receive the mails simply mail me on with subject "add me" so I can added you in my group & send you daily KC mails.
One more thing i have a daily SMS group also which i send daily SMS(Previous Acaryas's Quotes, BG Quotes, Bhagvatm Quotes etc.) if you want send me your mobile numbers also.
Hari!!!!!!!!! Bol
Ignore if already received
Your Humble Servent in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Saci Gaurasundara Dasa
“To serve the feet of the acaryas in association of the devotees is my desire birth after birth.”
we would like to invite to join our group,"One should learn how to cry for the Lord. One should learn this small technique, and he should be very eager and actually cry to become engaged in some particular type of service. This is called ‘laulyam’, and such tears are the price for the highest perfection. If one develops this ‘laulyam’, or excessive eagerness for meeting and serving the Lord in a particular way, that is the price to enter into the kingdom of God."
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
In ‘The Nectar of Devotion’, Page 83.