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  • Pranam Mata ji..Hare Krsna.....Thanks for your blessings Ma.......Hari Bol


    Deepak Pant

  • Hare Krishna Mataji...........Thanks for your sweet comments..............Please bless me Mata ji.....I always seek your guidance and blessings....



    Hare Krsna

    Deepak Pant

  • Hare krishna Mata Ji,

                                   I've a query here that I head Lord vishnu's sword is called "Nandaka" and chakra as "Sudarshan". But is there any name given to Lord's Gada & padam(Lotus).

    looking forward for your reply.......

    Hare krsna

  • Hare krishna.....Thank you Mataji for your nice and sweet comments.....Hari bol....

  • Pranams and dandavats Maa

    Hare Krishna

    Maa I am always blessed with Your guidance.

    At every fumble You hold me and remind the real goal of this life.

    Please accept my repeated obeisances at Your feet.

    Yours obediently

    Govinda Dasa

  • The picture of Radha ji, so beautiful...
    Thanks for sharing mataji .
  • thanks a lot again, i shall follow your advise.... 



  • thank you very much for being my friend my guru mata, i need ur blessings in gaining eternal happiness.

    i and my family shall be thankful to you, for ever....



  • Thanks a lot Mataji,

    Best Regards,


  • harekrishna

           thanks for such blessings

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