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    As long as we are
    in this material world,
    happiness and distress
    will come and go.
    So we should not
    be disturbed by them.
    Our real business is
    trying for self-realization.
    That must go on;
    it must never stop.
    Self realization is
    the goal of human life.
    Suffering and
    so-called happiness
    will go on
    as long as we
    have a material body,
    but we must come
    to the knowledge that
    " I am not this body;
    I am a spirit soul.
    I have received
    this body because
    of my past activities."
    That is knowledge.
  • Volunteer
    As spirit souls,
    we do not take birth,
    nor do we die.
    We are not finished with the
    destruction of the material body.
    The destruction of
    the body is going on already.
    The childhood body changes
    to the youthful body,
    and that body changes
    to the present body,
    and the present body
    will change to another body.
    When the soul transmigrates,
    the gross body is destroyed.
    The gross body is made of matter,
    and will be destroyed eventually.
    The spirit soul,
    in contacting various
    modes of material nature,
    and being influenced by them,
    develops another gross body.
    In other words,
    we have acquired our present body
    because of our past activities.
  • Volunteer
    If we simply try
    to understand Krsna,
    we can go to Him
    at the time of death.
    Everything about Krsna
    is divine, transcendental.
    Krsna`s activities,
    Krsna`s appearance,
    Krsna`s worship
    Krsna`s temple,
    Krsna`s glories -
    everything is transcendental.
    Then we become liberated
    from the process of birth and death.
    We have to be serious
    about understanding Krsna
    and remain in Krsna consciousness.
    Then these problems -
    birth, death,
    old age and disease -
    will be solved automatically,
    verily easily.
  • Hare Krishna Mataji.
  • Volunteer
    Shri Nama-mala-samarpana-mantra (consecrating the mala).
    nama-yajno mahayajnah
    kalau kalmasa-nasanam
    "The sacrifice of the name is the highest yajna, which destroys the contamination of Kali-yuga. In order to please Lord Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, I offer this sacrifice of the holy name."
  • Volunteer
    Shri Nama-mala-grahana-mantra (on taking the beads for the purpose of japa).
    avighnam kuru male tvam
    harinama-japesu ca
    shri radha-krishnayor dasyam
    dehi male tu prarthaye

    "O Mala, please destroy inauspiciousness in my chanting of the holy name of Lord Gaura-Hari and grant me the position of service to Nityananda-Gauranga and Radha-Krishna. This is all I pray, O Mala."

    nama cintamani-rupam
    namaiva parama gatih
    namnah parataram nasti
    tasman nama upasmahe

    "The Holy Name is a beautiful transcendental touchstone--it is the supreme goal. There is nothing higher than the Holy Name. I therefore worship the Holy Name."
  • Beautiful pictures, especially of Maharaja. Hare Krishna Padmavati :)
  • Volunteer
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