Hare Krsna!
Dandavat Pranam! jaya Srila prabhupada!
I wish to bring to the notice of devotees all over the world about http://www.grihasta.com. This is a matrimonial exclusively for devotees and was
launched on Gaura Purnima'07. It has grown to more than 880 members and has so far got 13 success stories. Check it out and please forward to devotees you know who wish to get married.
www.grihasta.com is a humble attempt to develop a medium to find a compatable devotee life partner so that Krishna consciousness thrives in favorable family ambience. Delete Comment
Grihasta.com :: Vaishnava Matrimonial Bureau
Largest Vaishnava Matrimonial, Vedic Marriage, Vivaha Yagya, Mitra, Grihastha, Vaishnav, Delhi, Iskcon Marriage Bureau, Pune, Juhu, Mumbai, Bangalor…

http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/group/srisrigiridharidaujiDandavat Pranam! jaya Srila prabhupada!
I wish to bring to the notice of devotees all over the world about http://www.grihasta.com. This is a matrimonial exclusively for devotees and was
launched on Gaura Purnima'07. It has grown to more than 880 members and has so far got 13 success stories. Check it out and please forward to devotees you know who wish to get married.
www.grihasta.com is a humble attempt to develop a medium to find a compatable devotee life partner so that Krishna consciousness thrives in favorable family ambience. Delete Comment