Rasamrita Das's Posts (56)

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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah ……………….Nectarean MellowsThe path of perfection is to follow in the footsteps of the mahajans. Lord Chaitanya declared in relation to Madhavendra Puri, that one cannot understand the true essence of spiritual perfection by austerities, by meditation, even by studying all of the scriptures scrutinizingly because there are so many ways to interpret anything within this world, the real path of perfection is to follow in the footsteps of pure devotees. Their life and their words represent the essence of all knowledge. Thus ‘mahajano yena gatah sa panthah’ How do the great souls speak, how do the great soul eat, how do the great souls walk, how do they sit, what do they live for, what is their ideal and purpose in life, these are the questions that Arjuna asks Krishna in Bhagavad Gita. Very important. As it has been explained many times, Bhagavad Gita is one of the most common books in the world, in India as well as abroad, yet hardly anyone had understood this simple purpose of Bhagavad Gita. sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja /man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru - To surrender to Krsna, to become His devotee, to worship Him. This is clearly Krishna tells as our duty. “I am the source of everything, all material and spiritual worlds. There is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me as a pearls strung on a thread”. But yet in practically in all the commentaries of Bhagavad Gita, there is minimal significance to Krsna. He just happens to be a person, a great person speaking. But is He the goal? Is He the source? Very few people even in this land of India understand this. Why? ‘mahajano yena gatah sa panthah’, because unless you hear from the proper source, unless you hear from someone in the parampara who is actually dedicating his life according to the teachings of Gita, the true understanding does not awaken in our heart.H H Radhanath Swami Maharajguru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya, ara na koriho mane aasa************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etcwww.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshanwww.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloadswww.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada bookswww.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharajtrinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada HariHare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.Combined unity is better than individual purity.
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Date : March 11, 2011
Place: Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Hare Krishna!

This is a very inspiring story of a simple young devotee boy from Mumbai, who is in the verge of leaving his body at Bhaktivedanta Hospital.

Anoop Banerjee, born in 1st June 1983, is from a Bengali Family. He has lived most of his life in Jogeshwari, a western suburb in Mumbai. His family (members) are  not ISKCON devotees or followers, but have a  favourable disposition.

From their very old memories way back in 1989-90, When Anoop was around 5-6 years old, both the father and son shared that -  he was taken to chowpatty Radha Gopianth mandir by his father. They had taken darshan of “Sri Sri Radha Gopinath” and some how went back-side of the temple, where H.H.Radhanath Maharaj’s room was there. H.H.Radhanath Maharaj was sitting in his room (that time much fairer than he is now). He saw this little boy standing far away. Maharaj called the boy, took him in his lap and gave him a Maha-chocholate wrapped in golden paper.

This incident was not taken very seriously. The family departed and went on with life. Little Anoop grew up in the normal course. When he was 22 years, he attended Juhu-temple Jagannath Rath Yatra. He became inspired and started chanting “Hare Krishna”. So from 2005 October he was chanting between 10 to 16  rounds. Devotees from Juhu temple such as Nimai Nitai Prabhu, Radha Aparajita Prabhu, Hara Prabhu, Azim Krishna Prabhu etc gave their association. He started visiting Juhu temple on Sundays. He used to work in a call centre.

In 2008, he went to Goregaon base and also had association with Jagannath Prabhu from Chowpatty. He occasionally visited Chowpatty ISKCON temple also.

Anoop was working in a call centre. In mid-2010, Anoop started developing stomach pain and upsets. In 2010 October he was detected of having “Intestinal Cancer”. It was a huge shock for him and his family. He was admitted in Nanawati Hospital. He was shuffling between hospital and home for chemotherapy treatments. Since that time, its been difficult times with lot of pain and suffering and Anoop was unable to go to Satsangs and take devotee association. As a result he almost stopped chanting. However, during the course of this treatment period Anoop obtained “Journey Home” book from some devotee and was also reading it.In February 2011, he asked his father to take him to “Bhaktivedanta Hospital” owing to its devotional atmosphere.

He was brought to the Bhaktivedanta hospital.  When he met “Dr. Vinita Sharma” from palliative care he expressed his desire to become a disciple of Radhanath Maharaj. He started chanting 2 rounds a day. The same was conveyed to Ram Sharan Prabhu, who is the Executive of Spiritual Care Department. Ram Sharan Prabhu tried speaking to senior devotees to see if something can be done to connect him to Maharaj, but (Since anup was not known to any of the devotees in the temple and also Maharaj had to go to Pune the next day so it was very difficult)

Suddenly on March 08th 2010, H.H.Radhanath Maharaj on his way to Pune stopped by the hospital to see Yamuna mathaji. When he finished his meeting and came out Ramsharan Prabhu explained about this devotee. Maharaj went to his room. As  anup saw maharaj he could not believe his eyes. He fell flat as a danda at the feet of maharaj. The Intravenous  line was still on hand, so the saline stand was about to fall but Ramsharandas held it somehow and removed the saline bottle from it to that the tension doesn’t pull out the needle from his hand which busy grabbing the feet of maharaj. He cried for sometime then was lifted by Ramsharandas and put on the chair as he could nt get up on his own. Then Maharaj took him in his arms and pacified him.. He kept on saying to Maharaj “Please give me your mercy) Maharaj (gazed at him with compassion
Maharaj: I will comeback  from pune and meet you again. (smiled)
Anup: Maharaj please give me your mercy.
Ramsharandas: (whispered in anup’s ears)This visit of his is mercy
Maharaj: (gazed at him for some time) are you asking for initiation.
Anup: (couldnot speak out of shame and shyness) Maharaj I had prayed to this Photograph of Krishna intensely that I could meet you and he has fulfilled my desire…. (mumbled) please give me your mercy.
Maharaj: Alright, I will send you beads to chant.
Anup: But Maharaj Now I am unable to chant 16 rounds. I chant 1 round or max 2 rounds daily.
Maharaj: (took his face in his hands) I initiate you right now. Your name will be Achyut Govind das.
(All Shocked)
Ramsharandas: H.G.Achyut Govind Prabhu Ki         All: Jai.( Maharaj leaves)
Anup: (stultified) So will he initiate me …. What …. When…
Ramsharandas: (in ears) you fool he has already initiated you. Your new name is H.G.Achyut Govind Das(embraced him). (Anup was in a shock)

Next day Ramsharandas visited H.G.Achyut Govind Das at 11am. He was sitting on the bed his legs on the chair and his hands folded on the knees and his head on his arms chanting intensely. He was sitting in such a position to bear the pain of his stomach in order to chant attentively his eleventh round.

H.G.Achyut Govind Prabhu is now chanting 16 rounds and is in his last days in this mortal world..

H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki Jai!
ISKCON founder Aacharya Srila Prabhupad Ki Jai!!

“A moment of pure devotee’s association cannot be compared”
“Svalpam Apyasya Dharmasya … even a little bit of endeavour can save one from the most dangerous type of fear”

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"G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

Simplicity……………….Nectarean Mellows


Once at New Dwarka Srila Prabhupada was in his nice quarters. There was even a little chandelier. It was not really opulent. It was just basically nice. And Prabhupada said to one of his followers “Do you remember my quarters at Radha Damodara”? And in those days it wasn’t like it is now, Radha Damodara, it has been really renovated. It was just really simple - back in the early seventies, very very simple, like a little cave practically. He said “Do you remember my place in Radha Damodara? I’m simply longing to go back to live there. But that would be sense-gratification for me because my guru maharaj wants me to preach to the world”. Therefore he’s accepting jet airplanes, he’s accepting nice quarters, beautiful quarters given by disciples all over the world. He’s accepting beautiful garlands and Vyasa Pujas. But he’s longing to be at Radha Damodara temple where he can just with all simplicity, practically poverty just be chanting Harinaam and worshipping Sri Radha Damodara. Simplicity!
Actually he was accepting facilities for our sake. He had no duplicity. HH Giriraj Maharaj often tells a nice story where Srila Prabhupada very boldly was explaining avajananti mam muddha - That those who do not accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, those who consider Him an ordinary person are fools and asses. They are muddhas. Prabhupada was speaking very boldly right here at Radha Rasbihari temple and one cultured man said ‘why do you have to use such harsh words as fools and asses, muddhas. Why do you have to use such harsh words’? Prabhupada said, “Krishna said it! I didn’t say it. Krishna said it. I’m just repeating Krishna. What can I...If Krishna said it what can I do? I can only repeat”. That is simplicity.
H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa
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Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etc   
www.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshan
www.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloads
www.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada books
www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharaj
trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada Hari
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.
Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.
It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.
Combined unity is better than individual purity.








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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"Every moment Krsna is incarnating Himself……………….Nectarean MellowsEvery moment is so precious. Srimad Bhagavatam says – ‘with every rising and setting of the sun, a materialistic person in closer to death’. We only have so many moments to live in this world and there is a danger at every moment in this world. So every moment that we are wasting the opportunity to fix our mind on Krsna and serve Krsna, every moment that we are trying to enjoy this material existence is the greatest lost. So we should not see Krsna, who is appearing in the form of time as each moment, as an opportunity for us to exploit and enjoy. Krsna says ‘I am time’; therefore every moment Krsna is incarnating Himself; and at that moment and giving us the chance to remember Him and serve Him; but if we are foolish then when Krsna appears before us as this moment; we want to exploit and enjoy that moment for our own selfish purposes; like Ravana, who wanted to steal Sita, we are trying to steal, we are trying to exploit the precious energy of Krsna in the form of time. Srila Prabhupada told us (that) the sign of sincerity is that we do not waste time, we worship every moment as an opportunity to come closer to Krsna, by always thinking of Krsna. Krsna says ‘always think of Me, at every moment’. And Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught the simple process by which we can remember Krsna at every moment by sincerely chanting the holy names.H H Radhanath Swami Maharajguru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya, ara na koriho mane aasa************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etcwww.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshanwww.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloadswww.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada bookswww.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharajtrinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada HariHare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.Combined unity is better than individual purity.
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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"What is saralata? ……………….Nectarean MellowsSimplicity is one of the most beautiful spiritual virtues. In fact Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur quotes several times in this regard, he says that you can’t really begin the path of Bhakti truly without saralata - without simplicity. What is simplicity? Prabhupada explains it in many different ways and they should be very attentively understood. One place Prabhupada explains, simplicity means without duplicity; which really means we have no ulterior motives. We speak honestly, truthfully. Srila Prabhupada quotes in one place that speaking straight forward does not mean you speak in such a way (harshly) that you break people’s hearts. Prabhupada says straightforward means speaking the truth in a palatable way that actually enlightens people that actually encourages people. That is Prabhupada’s quotation.H H Radhanath Swami Maharajguru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya, ara na koriho mane aasa************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etcwww.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshanwww.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloadswww.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada bookswww.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharajtrinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada HariHare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.Combined unity is better than individual purity.
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"G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

Vaishnava aparadh: Krsna takes it so seriously ……………….Nectarean Mellows

So therefore Srila Prabhupada is giving us this very very vital instruction, that real non-violence is not just ceasing murder and bloodshed. That’s the grossest form of non-violence. But vaisnava aparadha that is violence not only of the body but can be violence of the mouth; speaking in such a way to hurt another person’s heart out of carelessness or out of envy or out of ego- that is an offense. Sometimes we speak the truth nicely and we hurt people’s hearts but if we are doing it out of compassion that’s not offensive. But if there’s ego, if there is some envy and we speak and hurt another person that is violence. And Krishna takes it so serious that you may fall down because of that violence of the mouth. In fact Caitanya Mahaprabhu said blaspheming a devotee is like drinking poison. Praising devotee and Krishna is like drinking nectar. So if we have actually a position of humility and pridelessness which Prabhupada is emphasizing herein, then we can actually understand what is the spiritual principle of ahimsa. What is actual non-violence? Para upkar. Really welfare of other living beings. As long as we want to be the master, as long as we want to be controller, as long as we have this desire for possession for pratistha, as long as we have this desire for enjoyment either on the gross or subtle levels then we are impelled to various activities that unnecessarily hurt other people’s hearts or disregard other species of lives’ hearts.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa

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Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etc   

www.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshan

www.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloads

www.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada books

www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharaj


trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada Hari

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.

Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.

It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.

Combined unity is better than individual purity.

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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"Real compassion means respect to all living beings, including devotees ……………….Nectarean MellowsIf we take a humble position we must understand also that, if we are respectful to the animals but we are not respectful to the other human beings, what to speak of devotees, if we create violence to them by hurting them with our words, by hurting them with our actions, then we are not actually non-violent. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he taught us the real principle -amaaninena maanadena - To be respectful to every living being; to be respectful even to the insects. There’s that beautiful story that Sruta Kirti Prabhu tells about Srila Prabhupada when he was just sitting looking at the floor, and Sruta Kirti Prabhu was wondering, why is he looking at the floor? Prabhupada for a long time was just looking at the floor very very very compassionately, attentively. There was a tiny little insect; a tiny little insect just crawling on the floor. Then Prabhupada said, ‘he is hungry. He can’t find food here. Pick him up and put him up on the leaf outside on the tree so he can eat nicely’. Haribol! Although Srila Prabhupada is an Acarya, preaching to the masses, writing books, law books for mankind on spirituality, still he’s so much considering the welfare of an insignificant insect, taking so much time to actually help that little insect. That is compassion. Real compassion means respect to all living beings, including devotees. Haribol! It may be controversial but including devotees. Otherwise who will take seriously our discussion about closing the slaughter houses if with our words we are causing violence to other people’s hearts.H H Radhanath Swami Maharajguru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya, ara na koriho mane aasa************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etcwww.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshanwww.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloadswww.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada bookswww.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharajtrinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada HariHare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.Combined unity is better than individual purity.
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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"The real principle of knowledge with compassion ……………….Nectarean MellowsKrishna was teaching Arjuna non-violence by telling him to go to the Battlefield and fight. It would have been violence for Arjuna to just leave the Battlefield and let the Kurus go on with their exploitation. He is a Kshatriya. It is his duty to protect religious principles. It is his duty to protect the innocent from those who are excerpting other people's rights. But actual non violence is based on the real principle of knowledge with compassion. Srila Prabhupada explains here that one cannot actually be non-violent unless one is first humble and pride less. Quote unquote - ‘Sometimes people are proud of being non-violent’. Haribol! Just like devotees are vegetarian. In fact we only eat Krishna Prasad. So sometimes we have seen that the devotees just condemn the Christians and other people as just being melecchas and meat eaters and cruel and slaughterhouses and all that stuff. Once I was in Italy people approached me and asked ‘you know it seems some of these Christians, you know, they really make intense sacrifices for the benefit of humanity. They weep and cry to see the sufferings of humans and they really go out of their way to help humans who are suffering but they eat meat. And these devotees, who condemn any meat eater because they are vegetarians, are right here in the temple cruel to each other.H H Radhanath Swami Maharajguru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya, ara na koriho mane aasa************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etcwww.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshanwww.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloadswww.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada bookswww.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharajtrinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada HariHare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.Combined unity is better than individual purity.
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"G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

What actually is non-violence?  ……………….Nectarean Mellows

Srila Prabhupada explains herein, the importance of being harmless and non-violent. Of course Prabhupada explains that we have to have not a sentimental but a philosophical understanding of what it means to be non-violent. It means to actually protect and have respect. But at the same time to protect others sometimes; taking physical action is non-violence. Prabhupada gives that example often times about the newspaper reporter who approached one of the greatest proponents of non-violence in India ‘since you are preaching this ahimsa, I ask you a question. If I come to violate your daughter's chastity and the only way to stop me is through physical force, will you take to physical force?’ He said ‘absolutely not, under no circumstance will I ever break my vow of resorting to physical force’. And then this reporter who happened to have some common sense said, ‘that is violence’. To do nothing when somebody is exploiting another, that is violence and to take physical action to stop that; that is non-violence. That is principle of Bhagavad Gita.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa

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Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etc   

www.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshan

www.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloads

www.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada books

www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharaj


trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada Hari

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.

Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.

It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.

Combined unity is better than individual purity.







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"G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

So many gross examples of misrepresentations of the scriptures ……………….Nectarean Mellows

Today we are seeing so many gross examples of misrepresentations of the scriptures in all religions of the world. Historically Lord Buddha came at a time when Brahmans were practically having slaughter houses, making money, eating meat on the basis of some out of context scriptural injunctions. So Lord Buddha saw that these people were atheistic, they were stubborn. So he basically didn’t talk about God. Rather he spoke about just basic, Prabhupada explains, common sense religious principles. Be good do good. Like that. Ahimsa. He explained about the science of reincarnation. He explains the principles of Karma and if you cause harm to others, if you engage in immoral principles, you must suffer reaction. So just be good and just do good. Take this meditation be peaceful. Srila Prabhupada explains here that Buddha was so clever that he got people to worship him. Even today if you go to Buddhist temples everyone’s offering lamps and bowing down. They don’t believe in God but Buddha is an incarnation of God. So he tricked them into following the instructions and worshipping God without even knowing that there's a God. Obviously this is not the highest principle. But out of mercy he is taking people from one level and somehow or other giving them a connection.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa

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Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.thejourneyhomebook.com for lectures, interactions etc   

www.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshan

www.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloads

www.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada books

www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharaj


trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada Hari

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.

Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.

It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.

Combined unity is better than individual purity.










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 "G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

Common people blindly follow the blind ……………….Nectarean Mellows

Srila Prabhupada explains the principle behind the various forms and incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - It is compassion, it is love, it is mercy. I was just day before yesterday listening to a tape of Srila Prabhupada giving lecture and he was discussing Lord Buddha. He was actually praising so enthusiastically the mercy of Lord Buddha. People were misusing the Vedic principles to justify slaughtering animals, cruelty. This is a common thing in all religions throughout the world. Throughout the history of mankind, I don’t believe there is any spiritual path or religion that is exempt to this deviation of utilizing the words of the scriptures to justify one’s own egoistic purposes in life. This is a very very dangerous situation. We see in the world today people all over the world are terrified of terrorism and the most dangerous of all terrorism is that which is based on religious ideas. Or clever intelligent people somehow or other manipulate the words of the scriptures in such a way, through various forms of word jugglery to justify and authorize their envy, their hatred. And common people blindly follow the blind.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa

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Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.radhanathmaharaj.net, www.radhanathswamiquotes.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.radhanathswami.info, www.thejourneyhomebook.com, www.radhanathswamiphotos.com, www.radhanathswamionline.com for lectures, transcripts, interactions etc   

www.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshan

www.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloads

www.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada books

www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharaj


trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada Hari

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.

Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.

It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.

Combined unity is better than individual purity.





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"G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

In all situations we can shelter of Krishna ……………….Nectarean Mellows

One must, according to our sincerity and capacity, we must restrain our senses on those things which are unfavorable for devotional service and simultaneously we must fix our consciousness on Krishna by engaging in positive activities of devotional service. In all situations we can shelter of Krishna by chanting His name, by associating with His devotees, reading His books and hearing His message. By channelizing our physical energy in something that is productive service. The ideal mind is devils workshop, when the mind is idle, it is very easily subjugated by Maya or the force of illusion. Therefore if we keep our mind busy with Krishna with sincerity, with proper association then gradually we become purified. And if we are sincere as it is said, God help those who help themselves, if we try according to our sincere best, Krishna will help us. But we need the association of devotees, we need the blessings of great souls and then we can overcome all obstacles.
H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa
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Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.radhanathmaharaj.net, www.radhanathswamiquotes.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.radhanathswami.info, www.thejourneyhomebook.com, www.radhanathswamiphotos.com, www.radhanathswamionline.com for lectures, transcripts, interactions etc   
www.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshan
www.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloads
www.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada books
www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharaj
trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada Hari
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.
Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.
It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.

Combined unity is better than individual purity.




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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"What will please Krishna? ……………….Nectarean MellowsRupa Goswami wrote that if you want to remain attached to your family, friendship and love in the material platform of this world, then do not go to Vrindavana; to the bank of Yamuan at kesi ghat, where Sri Govinda deva is standing in His beautiful form - dark like a monsoon cloud with elongated beautiful lotus like eyes - in His three fold bending form - placing His flute to His reddish lips, which are shining in the moon light. His vision of Krishna is willing to reveal it to all of us within our hearts on the altar. We are seeing Krishna & thinking, “Oh, very nice. Today it looks very nice”. We are seeing Krishna but He is not revealing Himself to us very much, if He is, we will be in ecstasy, will be seeing God, will be seeing what Rupa Goswami is talking about. He is there. “premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena”. According to our eyes anointed with love, Krishna reveals Himself. We cannot force our way into spiritual world. We cannot force our way to realization. Everything can only come by mercy. Krishna bestows His mercy and reveals Himself according to the devotional love that we are describing today; it is for this purpose, with this mood that we interact with each other in the mood of servant of the servant of the servant of the Lord; because that’s what pleases Krishna. To the degree want to please our self - to that degree we are bereft of true bhakti. What will please Krishna? How I deal with other people? How I deal with other vaisnavas as their servant and happy to see them progressing, sad to see them having set backs? That pleases Krishna.H H Radhanath Swami Maharajguru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya, ara na koriho mane aasa************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.radhanathmaharaj.net, www.radhanathswamiquotes.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.radhanathswami.info, www.thejourneyhomebook.com, www.radhanathswamiphotos.com, www.radhanathswamionline.com for lectures, transcripts, interactions etcwww.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshanwww.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloadswww.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada bookswww.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharajtrinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada HariHare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence.Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.
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"G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

We want to put Krishna in the center of the world ……………….Nectarean Mellows

Marriage disputes, conflicts between religions, conflicts between gurus, disciples of gurus, conflicts between sexes and races, conflicts between nations, conflicts between every aspects of human society, animal society, plant society, insect society, “jivo jivasya jivanam”. Everyone is trying to eat each other in one way or other. It is all manifesting from this one illusion of forgetting that Krishna is the center of everything. Krishna is the enjoyer. I am the enjoyed. Krishna is the seer and I am the scene. This is the spirit of service. When we have faith in this principle through hearing and we honestly and honestly make that our goal in life and strive to live by those principles, accept what is favorable for developing those virtues and reject what is unfavorable, then Krishna sees our honest attempt. Even if we fail so many times, due to our very strong conditionings, Krishna is very pleased that we really want that - to put Krishna in the center of our lives. We want to put Krishna in the center of the world. He is already there. Bur we really want to accept it and surrender to that, then Krishna will give us all help.
H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa
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Please visit our sites www.radhagopinath.com, www.radhanathswami.com, www.radhanathmaharaj.net, www.radhanathswamiquotes.com, www.itsohappened.com, www.radhanathswami.info, www.thejourneyhomebook.com, www.radhanathswamiphotos.com, www.radhanathswamionline.com for lectures, transcripts, interactions etc   
www.deitydarshan.com & www.vrindavandarshan.com & www.mayapur.com for online darshan
www.iskcondesiretree.com for audio video downloads
www.vedabase.net for online Srila Prabhupada books
www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharaj
trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada Hari
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other. 

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                                                    "G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

                                        Krishna is not pleased just by concentration ……………….Nectarean Mellows

According to Srimad Bhagavatam Krishna is the center. Krishna is the subject on the objects. Krishna is the subject and everything within creation is object for His satisfaction, for His enjoyment. Let my happiness be His happiness. Srila Prabhupada said that 99% of our advancement is through the chanting of the holy names of the lord. But through the process of hearing we have to understand very clearly, what really is the process of chanting of the holy names of the Lord. There may be many excellent techniques to better concentrate, which are very very good, but Krishna is not pleased just by concentration. Krishna is pleased by devotion. That means the character of our life.
H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa

please visit/join www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for Nectars of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj

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                                                   "G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

                            Krishna should be pleased to hear us chanting ……………….Nectarean Mellows

When we have this quality of trinadapi sunicena taroriva sahisnuna amanina mandena kirtaniya sada Hari -when we are actually in our life be humble, tolerant, forgiving, and really eager to keep Krishna in the center of our life, when we offer all respects to others and not demand or expect for oneself and in that state of mind we are sincerely genuinely trying to focus our mind in the holy name with whatever capacity we have, then Krishna is pleased. A person, who is egoistic, may be concentrating on the holy name and hearing the syllable very nicely but Krishna is not interested in hearing that person’s chant. In other words, we should not just chant so that we could hear the chanting. The idea is we should chant so that Krishna is pleased to hear us chanting. The more Krishna is pleased to hear us chanting the holy names the more He is going to give darshan in His holy name to us. It may be in separation. It may in meeting. But this unselfish or selfless spirit of service extends to every aspect of our life. That is the beauty of life, the real art of living.
H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
guru-mukha-padma- vakya, cittete koriya aikya,  ara na koriho mane aasa
please visit www.groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows    for previous Nectars of HH Radhanath Maharaj

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