Name / Initiated name
Not yet initiated / Ajay Chauhan
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
Not chanting
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
In 2005, Juhu Chowpati, used to see the temple from my hostel window.....had an urge to visit the temple....and finally visited it after one year.
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
nearest Centre is Iskon Juhu, however i mostly visit ISKON Chowpati,
Rushab Javeri, Pankaj, tarun Manik, Priyachaitanya, Anadimohan
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
Ajay Chauhan, 27 years old, investment banker, is in association with ISKOn since 2005, has lost touch off late.
Wish you a very happy KC b'day, May lord Sri Krsna & Smt. Radha Rani blessed you always. & I wish you never take birth again in this material world.
Hari Bol
krishna priya,
To know about ISKCON Jaipur -
Hare Krishna.