
Cutting vegetables into small and fun shapes, pairing them with peanut butter or other dips, pureeing vegetables to hide them in other foods are all great and effective methods that we personally use. However, the most important point identified in this study was modeling. When your children see you eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, they will naturally (eventually) begin eating more as well. Of course, repeated exposure is also important. So, have fresh vegetables at every meal.

My Favorite Detox Tips for Picky Kids

  1. Green Berry Smoothies. For kids, use more berries in your smoothie. It will look more like a berry smoothie rather than a green smoothie. This is a great way to hide green vegetables in a great tasting drink that your kids will love. My five year old son loves these and drinks his spinach and kale without ever knowing it! To supercharge the plant power nutrition, I also add Amazing Grass Green Superfood. This is a powdered supplement that adds the nutrition from a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, berries, enzymes and probiotics. This is my absolute favorite nutritional supplement that I use everyday!

  2. Green Chocolate Milk - What? Yes! This is fantastic and simple. Use almond milk (homemade or carrageenan-free). Just blend for about 30-60 seconds and enjoy healthy, nutritious and delicious chocolate milk. Add a scoop of rice protein powder and call it a meal! This is another one of my son’s favorites. It is a quick and easy way to get plant-based nutrition into your child’s body.

  3. Green juice - Start with a prepared green juice (juiced greens and fruits) that you buy at your grocery store of juice your own at home. Using more fruit in your juice makes it more kid friendly. Add a scoop of Green Superfood to dramatically boost the nutrition. If your child is not used to green juice, then start with half green juice and half apple juice and only add ¼ scoop of Green Superfood powder. Over time, your child will enjoy this drink more and you can increase the amount of green juice and Green Superfood powder. My son has either this or a Green Berry Smoothie every morning. We had to start slow on the greens but he takes mostly green juice and a full scoop of Green Superfood powder now.

  4. Juicing - Juicing can be a fun family event! If you incorporate your kids in the process – not only do you have extra help – but they will be more likely to drink the juice. My son loves to juice carrots and apples. These are both sweet and make for a good kid-friendly vegetable juice. Add in some greens when they are not looking to increase the green nutrition!

After reviewing this issue, I hope that you will be motivated to start living a more non-toxic lifestyle by incorporating these ideas. Change is not easy but it is possible to restore your health and the health of your child. Start today!

Source: http://blogs.naturalnews.com/14-healthy-tips-to-detox-your-kids/

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