Impact on a Child Behavior & Character of Parents
Law of Subtle Connection of Parents and Kids
Second thing for a successful education is that one should know that our words should not different from our actions. If you say to a kid not to say bad words, but when you go to your job and use yourself such like words then it will have impact on your kids because kids are physiologically connected to with you. And that connection will remain till death. When parents become older they will depend on the behaviors of their kids. If kid is still small and depends on you and you secretly swear somewhere then child hearing those words will memorize them for whole life. He will feel that such type of action is something close to him because he is getting such like strength from you. He will start to think: “This is the exact thing which I lacked in my life, the exact word I like to use in whole world.” There is subtle impact to a consciousness of a child and that is mostly connected to his parents. Because of that child feels that he wants something but yet he does not know what he wants exactly. And when he will hear such like bad words then he will become happy and will be inspired to repeat those words. In this way problems start to appear. The same thing will happen if parents cheat each other or others. Child will learn such cheating propensity in subtle way and later parents get surprised ‘oh how he became such a liar?’ Parents think ‘we gave only the best for him. We spent so much money for him, so much energy! Why he became like this?’
And there is one froze which I used to hear from our neighbors when I was a student. Mother used to shout to her daughter ‘And who are you such a fool born?’ When in this way she was surprised it was funny for me.
Always child will take birth with some similarities with parents. When there is conception soul who desiring to get a body will be put into some man’s body according to his karma. That is a law. As like positive and negative energies attracted to each other in this way billions and trillions of parents and children with similar karmas attract to each other by laws of karma. Fate of parents is similar with the fate of kids and that is all. No need to think that he looks like me because I gave birth to him and because of some chromosomes and he should do everything as per my wish.
There are subtle things also, subtle body of a boy looks like the subtle body of a mother and subtle body of a daughter looks like a subtle body of a father. This means, son mostly will have similar qualities with mother and daughter will have similar qualities with father. But that does not mean that father should educate a daughter and mother a son. Father should educate a son and mother a daughter. Then what to do with this compatibility? Everything will be solved if there is well understanding, love and cooperation in the family. If mother loves father then son also will love father because subtle body of a mother have some similarity with the son so she will give her love to father and son. In this way if father respects and values mother then everyone in the family will take care of mother and value her. In this way we should understand that there should not be any compromises. There are some laws and no one will escape them.
In this way if parents do not want to have good relations with each other then they won’t have any chance to have good relations with their children. I am not speaking of education. They may try to educate them nicely but they won’t have good relations with them because they are not having this with each other. As a result of bad relations of parents is – bad relations with kids.
Other thing we should mention is that no matter how far our child is, no matter if he hears us or not that won’t have any matter. Matters you have good relations with your husband or wife. As how you live life child will have similar types of qualities. That is all, no other options! This is the right understanding of education. Education is firstly self-realization, changing ourselves from within. If one wants real wellness to a kid then no need to try to stop a child forcible but one should try to change one’s own self. And child will get benefit for sure. Because of that formula of education of good qualities in kids is based on self education of parents.
For example, how to make so that daughter will have a nice family in the future? So that she will love and respect her husband? Solution is that mother, while daughter is small has to love and be obedient to her husband. How to achieve that son will grow up as a responsible person? So that he will give protection to weak, women, take care of family, old ones? Father should take care of mother, provide family with basic necessities, and take care of parents. When father does like that son will also do the same, and if mother does like that then daughter also will do the same. Or else children will repeat the same problems as their parents did.
But exception will be there if child achieving teenage age sees wrong relations of parents and starts to practice self-realization then he will be able to change his life. Even in this way there will be need for doing hard work because some habits will remain. He will start to learn how to live correctly and intuitively will strive for the truth. Sometimes such type of young man externally may look as a naughty one but from within he always wishes good to others. He will learn how to act properly but at the same time he will ignore tries of parents to enter into his personal life. In this situation young will gain all good qualities and will become a good person in the society. Such thing happens when child takes birth in such a bad family because of his some bad karma. He will wash away his bad karma in his childhood and will see that that type of life which parents thought him to live was wrong. Because of that he will start to live in his internal world. Often parents dislike such type of children, or else they do not understand them, or else they try to break his internal goals etc. But because of these things he will go away from them more. And the second type of such going might out of selfishness. And the second type usually happens much nowadays because of that parents are not able to live peacefully together with kids. This was discussed that when parents live selfish life after child reaches 13 he will desire to leave his parents being unable to live together. He will start to live independent life not fulfilling his duties as a son or daughter.
This text was translated from Russian book written by Devotee psychologist.