Vaccinations – To Jab or Not to Jab
By Raga Manjari Devi
Parents have an enormous responsibility to protect their children, both physically and spiritually, until they are able to make their own informed decisions.
This article is to educate parents about the vaccination issue, so that they may weigh the facts rather than be influenced by the fears. The need for parents to make their own decision was highlighted by the statement from an American doctor who refused to vaccinate his own child against measles, while continuing to vaccinate his infant patients: "As a parent I have the luxury of making a choice for my child. As a physician, legally and professionally, I have to accept the recommendation of the profession."
A growing number of health care professionals are questioning the efficacy and danger of vaccination. The evidence that supports this attitude against vaccinations is mounting.
Possible adverse effects of vaccinations
Long – term effects: Then raised risk of immune system damage later in life.
Dr. R. Moskowits states: "Even if the measles vaccine could be shown to reduce the risk of deaths or serious complications from the disease, it still could not justify the high probability of anti-immune diseases, cancer and whatever else may result from the propagation of latent measles virus in human tissue culture."
Studies exist that link vaccines with the also inexplicable increase in chronic diseases such as arthritis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, allergies, heart disease, Reyes Syndrome, cancer, and many others.
Short –term effects: Triple antigen immunizations (the standard immunization against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) have been linked with the cot death syndrome or SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Out of 145 SIDS deaths in Los Angeles County in California in 1979-1980, 53 died within twenty – eight days, six within 24 hours and 17 within a week of triple antigen immunizations.
There is evidence that people can get other infectious diseases after vaccination-so-called provocation diseases. In 1949, during a polio out break in Victoria, Australia, 29 out of 375 polio cases were found to have had diphtheria and / or pertussis vaccine between five and thirty two and 25 days before the onset of the disease. Paralysis was most commonly found in the injected limb.
A study conducted in Melbourne, Australia, showed the following reactions after 8, 000 triple antigen of diphtheria vaccinations:
- 10% had persistent crying
- One in 13 persistent screaming
- 3 in 1000 convulsions
- one in 4 suffered irritability or vomiting.
American osteopath Daniel Landor stated: "Immunizing children at two to six months is the largest cause of upper respiratory tract infections, allergies and ear infections."
A group formed in England called "Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children" has 182 children on record as having suffered severe brain damage that occurred within twelve days of vaccination.
I have personally treated patients who developed epilepsy within 2 days of triple antigen vaccination, and others who suffered chronic warts.
How do vaccines cause damage?
There are three aspects that make synthesized vaccinations dangerous to humans:
1) Mode of administration: Vaccinations are injected directly into the blood and therefore by pass the normal path ways of infection. The immune system has normal ways of copying with infections entering along the natural pathway. By injecting the live viruses into the blood stream, the virus can directly attack organs that would otherwise be defended by mucosal and intestinal immune mechanisms.
2) Quality of vaccine: (a) Because the virus is weakened before injection, the complete immune response is not brought into action to culminate the virus from the body, resulting in toxic build up; and (b) the vaccination is often combined with dangerous chemical adjuncts, such as aluminum hydroxide, to keep the virus active in the body for a longer duration.
3) Quantity of vaccination injected: A relatively massive amount, compared with the quantity taken in during natural exposure, is injected into the body. This also leads to a buildup of toxins that cause side effects.
Natural health practitioners agree that not only do vaccines harm the gross physical body, they also disturb the subtle spirit like energy from which all vitality originates.
It is clear that the method of synthesizing viruses from animal serum and injecting them into the human blood stream is far from the process of natural immunity. Vaccination perverts rather than duplicates the process of nature.
It isn't surprising, therefore, that many people are looking for alternative measures to protect their children's welfare.
Natural outlook on immunity
The theory of natural immunity is based on the work of Bechamp, a contemporary of Pateur. It states that we have kinds of bacteria-bearing disease within and around us, and that we get sick only when the body's resistance is low due to poor diet, poor hygiene, overcrowding, lack of exercise or seep, exposure to pollutants such as smoke and alcohol, or emotional upsets.
This viewpoint emphasizes that the primary cause of disease is not bacteria, otherwise all unvaccinated people exposed to the infection in a similar way would become ill. This does not happen.
The disease occurs initially because of the individual's inability to cope with the invading bacteria due to a weak natural immunity. Each childhood disease is considered an immunity building block, gradually strengthening the individual's resistance to disease.
Vaccination only confers temporary immunity from a disease, leaving the individual vulnerable to contracting it as an adult when the symptoms and complication are often more severe. Experiencing measles or chickenpox as a child provides lifelong immunity.
Natural Alternatives
The decision not to vaccinate your child should be accompanied by a positive decision to take other action. There are two main methods to build your child's natural immunity:
1) Diet and lifestyle measures:
- Ensure a continuing balanced diet for yourself and for your child.
- Protect children from smoking, alcohol and chemical pollutions.
- Breastfeed yopur child for at least nine months where possible.
- Provide an emotional stable home environment.
- Ensure proper hygiene, and try to isolate children from infected people.
2) Homeopathic and herbal preparations:
The founder of homeopathy, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, was vaccinating patients with homeopathic remedies in the early 1800s and the same remedies give excellent results today. These vaccinations defend the body against the gamut of children diseases without the side effects.
The following program of medicines can be given as a basic alternative prevention against childhood disease.
There is a basic program for immunization from birth and supplementary program for use during an outbreak. The remedies should be obtained only from a homeopathic doctor and used according to their guidelines.
Basic Program for Protection from Birth:
Age given |
Remedy |
2 months |
Pertussin (M) |
3 months |
Tetanus Toxin (M) |
4 months |
Lathyrus Sativus (200) |
5 m |
Diphtherinum (M) |
6 m |
Tetanus Toxin (M) |
9 m |
Lathyrus Sativus (200) |
10 m |
Pertussin (M) |
12 m |
Tetanus Toxin (M) |
13 m |
Morbillium (M) |
14 m |
Parotidinum (M) |
16 m |
Diphtherinum (M) |
"Not only does homeopathic medicine offer an improved means of curing a disease, it stimulates the body's immunological defense system both specifically and generally, and thus provides prophylactic protection comparable to that of vaccination, yet without the side effects."
If the disease has already developed, seek treatment from a homeopath and discontinue previous course outlined. Other herbal and nutritional supplements to confer strong immunity may be given by themselves or in conjunction with the homeopathic.
These include:
Echinacea fluid extract, 10 ml daily Ascorbic Acid, 50 mg daily
Hypericum Perfoliatum, 1 cup tea daily.
I urge all parents to research the pros and cons of vaccination before making their decision. The choice is yours; be sure it is in your child's best interest.
I hope this article has stimulated your interest in the subject in order for all parents to make and educated, sober decision.
Raga Manjari is a qualified homeopathic and naturopathic doctor. She serves in the Mayapur Bhaktivednata Ayurvedic Clinic and in private clinic in Australia.
> I heard the vaccinations are made up of some very nasty animal ingredients. ..
In deed:
"Some Vaccine Ingredients:
• Stray viruses and bacteria from the animal cell cultures that vaccines are made in.
• Mercury, a well-documented neurotoxin, is still in the multi-dose flu vaccines throughout the world. Trace amounts remain in several other vaccines.
• Aluminum, a poison that can cause bone, bone marrow and brain degeneration.
• Animal cells from monkeys, dog kidneys, chickens, cows, and humans.
• Formaldehyde (embalming fluid), a known carcinogen.
• Polysorbate 80, known to cause infertility in female mice and testicular atrophy in male mice.
• Gelatin, from pigs and cows, known to cause anaphylactic reactions, is found in large quantities in the MMR, chickenpox and shingles vaccines.
• Monosodium glutamate (MSG) in inhaled flu vaccines, is known to cause metabolic disturbances (e.g. diabetes), seizures and other neurologic disorders. "
The good news is that more and more doctors are waking up, re-educating themselves and are refusing to be ignorant administrators for the pharma-industry, despite vicious attacks from those who are reaping huge profits (trillions of US dollars) by perpetuating the vaccination scam.
If you want real, truthful information on vaccines, kindly check out the work of Dr Russel Blaylock and Dr Sherry Tenpenny.
If you don't like to read, watch this presentation by Dr Tenpenny, (the results of a former vaccination promoters 6000 hours investigation about vaccines. This is the most accurate verifiable info out there you can find:
This video exposes enormous amounts of vital (fully-documented) information that the mainstream media has completely failed to report. This information is so compelling, it will cause even the most difficult skeptic to rethink their position and reconsider their most fundamental beliefs about vaccines.
I'd like to humbly request all parents and especially our doctors at Bhaktivedanta hospital to watch this for the sake of our community, and especially for the health of our children.
Your servant
Hema Lavanya Das
"harer nama harer nama
harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva
nasty eva gatir anyatha
[Cc. Adi 17.21]
"In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way."
Therefore, please chant the Great-Mantra:
"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare."
and your life will be sublime!
Dear Raivata Prabhu,
Pamho agtSP
You say that,
"the whole medical community, made out by MILLIONS of doctors in the World that had been promoting the vaccinations across the history of the last 100 years can’t be deadly wrong."
Someone may say that, Millions of humans are promoting meat eating, illicit sex, intoxication and gambling for at least thousands of years, therefore it can't be deadly wrong but we know that it is wrong in deed, even if it is promoted by billions nowadays.
Just because something is promoted by a majority is not at all prove that it "can't be deadly wrong."
If you take your time and just read what I sent out on this subject previously I don't think you will still defend your theory.
My honest conviction is that we better educate ourselves and do not just blindly follow millions of doctors who in turn are blindly following the multi-billion-dollar-pharma-industry, because all those blind persons may lead us into accepting the wrong things for our bodies. No wonder most of us have so many health problems. Obviously our karma is too bad.
There is nothing wrong with rejecting harmful chemicals. You may call it fanaticism, but I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
In the 18. century natural medicine was still used all over the world to cure people, as propagated by
Lord Danvantari himself in Ayurveda. Of course too many people could not be helped because in the feudal system they were mostly poor and malnourished, with very weak immune systems.Therefor life expectancy was very low, except in those communities who had access to proper food. Nowadays more and more people who have had so called incurable diseases turn in their desperation to natural medicines instead of the toxic chemicals and subsequently many of them are cured.
In America where small children are more vaccinated than anywhere else in the world, and modern medical practices are propagated at any cost, and where certain proven natural curing methods and certain natural medicines are totally forbidden, (for the protection of the people of course, ........or so they say) one would assume that America must have the healthiest population in the world, right?
Wrong, check this out:
America's Healthcare System is the Third Leading Cause of Death
Barbara Starfield, M.D. (2000)
Summary by Kah Ying Choo
This Journal of the American Medical Association article illuminates the failure of the U.S. medical system in providing decent medical care for Americans.
In spite of the rising health care costs that provide the illusion of improving health care, the American people do not enjoy good health, compared with their counterparts in the industrialized nations. Among thirteen countries including Japan, Sweden, France and Canada, the U.S. was ranked 12th, based on the measurement of 16 health indicators such as life expectancy, low-birth-weight averages and infant mortality. In another comparison reported by the World Health Organization that used a different set of health indicators, the U.S. also fared poorly with a ranking of 15 among 25 industrialized nations.
Although many people attribute poor health to the bad habits of the American public, Starfield (2000) points out that the Americans do not lead an unhealthy lifestyle compared to their counterparts. For example, only 28 percent of the male population in the U.S. smoked, thus making it the third best nation in the category of smoking among the 13 industrialized nations. The U.S. population also achieved a high ranking (5th best) for alcohol consumption. In the category of men aged 50 to 70 years, the U.S. had the third lowest mean cholesterol concentrations among 13 industrialized nations. Therefore, the perception that the American public’s poor health is a result of their negative health habits is false.
Even more significantly,
According to several research studies in the last decade, a total of 225,000 Americans per year have died as a result of their medical treatments:
• 12,000 deaths per year due to unnecessary surgery
• 7000 deaths per year due to medication errors in hospitals
• 20,000 deaths per year due to other errors in hospitals
• 80,000 deaths per year due to infections in hospitals
• 106,000 deaths per year due to negative effects of drugs
Thus, America's healthcare-system-induced deaths are the third leading cause of the death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer.
The first leading cause of death is heart disease and the second leading cause is cancer, both of which are easily preventable and completely curable by natural methods. Of course modern medicine rejects those methods because they aren't profitable and natural healing herbs/plants can't be patented and sold for huge profits. Their business, after all, is not curing people but keeping them sick by never even searching for the cause of a disease and prescribing them more and more toxic chemicals with lots of side effects to cover up the symptoms, and that will cause even more disease, for more profit.
Therefore, if I may, I would suggest that we better stick to the Lord's system that works for sure and not to the chemical-death-industry's system, that kills people left and right, don't you think?
If we would follow Ayurvedic shastra and natural medicine, we wouldn't need to go to any of those so called doctors and hospitals in the first place.
Of course you may do as you like. I'm just giving you information that something maybe wrong with vaccination even if it is promoted by Billions of so called doctors who may be well meaning but misinformed and not at all educated about proper nutrition and real natural ayurvedic cures.
In any case, it is the parents choice which kind of decisions they make for the benefit of their children.
Your servant
Hema Lavanya Das
"harer nama harer nama
harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva
nasty eva gatir anyatha
[Cc. Adi 17.21]
"In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way."
Therefore, please chant the Great-Mantra:
"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare."
and your life will be sublime!
Dear Devotees,
Pamho agtSP
From: Yasomati dasi
To: mayapur-discussions
> > It is my sincere opinion that efforts of managers and intelligentsia would be better spent > > > > focusing in the true mission's goals rather than meddling with mother's physiological > > > > > > processes and the interference of drugs and chemicals in so called prevention of disease. > > > Let the grihastas rule over the small kingdom their individual household is. It is not the > > > > > mandate of the administration to legislate these things based on one sided opinions. I see > > > nothing sastric about the proposed ruling.
I am sure the doctors have good intentions to benefit the devotees, but...........
There is no one in the whole universe, not even Lord Brahma, who can, by any so called ruling, take away your God given right to give birth to your children wherever you want. Any such rule, if created, would be completely bogus.
What to speak of vaccination!
If no one else is, I am strongly opposed to taking away the God given right of the parents to make decisions for their own children. We had several discussions on the forum about the dangers of vaccination and I hereby challenge any doctor, who propagates mandatory vaccinations, to an open debate on the subject.
This kind of proposal violates basic human rights. Let the individual decide for themselves, after having researched the subject thoroughly, if they want to vaccinate their children or not.
I hereby humbly suggest to all parents to look into the well documented dangers of vaccination before taking such an important decision for your children.
If you kindly research the subject you will find that doctors independent of Big-Pharma-money are in growing numbers against most vaccines, declaring them useless and dangerous.
Here is Srila Prabhupadas judgement on the subject:
"Brahmänanda: Actually, when I was in Germany, there was evidence of how the scientists increased disease. They invented some vaccine to counteract influenza, and they injected all of Germany with this vaccine. But what happened is sometimes the body builds up resistance to these vaccines and produces another germ. So, as a result, another type of influenza was created, which was far more worse than the previous. It made people get fever for four and five days straight, 105 degrees.
Prabhupäda: That is the way of... They have discovered this streptomycin, for tuberculosis, that if one takes too many injections of streptomycin, then it does not act.
Devotee: He becomes immune.
Prabhupäda: Yes.
Brahmänanda: So as a result of the vaccine they created a worse type of influenza, and they have nothing to counteract that worse type. So now they have to invent another type.
Prabhupäda: These rascals give trouble to the people, especially in India. They are not after the vaccine. They will catch people and force them. Just see. This is going on. (indistinct) ...others are avoiding, they are going, going this way, that way. Sometimes they fall, they do not know, and capture (indistinct) These rascals are creating havoc. Only to kick them on their face with shoes. That's all. The so-called scientists and biologists and... They do not know anything."
If you are still wondering whether or not to get vaccinated or even more importantly whether or not to get your babies and children vaccinated, kindly read the following and make your well informed decisions. This confirms what Srila Prabhpada warned us about:
Vaccines: Get the Full Story
International Medical Council on Vaccination
These facts were researched by the following Doctors, Nurses and Scientists to give you full information on Protecting Your Child and Yourself :
Nicola Antonucci, MD
Todd M. Elsner, DC
Alexander Kotok, MD, PhD
Máximo Sandín, PhD
David Ayoub, MD
Jorge Esteves, MD
Eneko Landaburu, MD
Len Saputo, MD
Nancy Turner Banks, MD
Edward "Ted" Fogarty, MD
Luc Lemaire, DC
Michael Schachter, MD
Timur Baruti, MD
Jack Forbush, DO
Janet Levatin, MD
Viera Scheibner, PhD
Danny Beard, DC
Milani Gabriele, CRNA, RN
Thomas Levy, MD, JD
Penelope Shar, MD
Françoise Berthoud, MD
Sheila Gibson, MD, BSc
Stephen L'Hommedieu, DC
Bruce Shelton, MD, MD(H)
Russell Blaylock, MD
Mike Godfrey, MBBS
Paul Maher, MD, MPH
Debbi Silverman, MD
Fred Bloem, MD
Isaac Golden, ND
Andrew Maniotis, PhD
Kenneth “KP” Stoller, MD
Laura Bridgman, FNP, ND
Gary Goldman, PhD
Steve Marini, PhD, DC
Terri Su, MD
Kelly Brogan, MD
Garry Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)
Juan Manuel Martínez Méndez, MD
Didier Tarte, MD
Sarah Buckley, MD
Doug Graham, DC
Sue McIntosh, MD
Leigh Ann Tatnall, RN
Rashid Buttar, DO
Boyd Haley, PhD
Richard Moskowitz, MD
Adiel Tel-Oren, MD, DC
Harold Buttram, MD
Gayl Hamilton, MD
Sheri Nakken, RN, MA
Sherri Tenpenny, DO
Lisa Cantrell, RN
Linda Hegstrand, MD, PhD
Christiane Northrup, MD
Renee Tocco, DC
Lua Català Ferrer, MD
James Howenstine, MD
Amber Passini, MD
Demetra Vagias, MD, ND
Jennifer Craig, PhD, BSN, MA
Suzanne Humphries, MD
Ronald Peters, MD, MPH
Franco Verzella, MD
Robert Davidson, MD, PhD
Belén Igual Diaz, MD
Jean Pilette, MD
Julian Whitaker, MD
Ana de Leo, MD
Philip Incao, MD
Pat Rattigan, ND
Ronald Whitmont, MD
Carlos de Quero Kops, MD
Joyce Johnson, ND
Zoltan Rona, MD, MSc
Betty Wood, MD
Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
A. Majid Katme, MBBCh, DPM
Chaim Rosenthal, MD
Eduardo Ángel Yahbes, MD
Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH
Tedd Koren, DC
Robert Rowen, MD
The above signatories represent a spectrum that includes pediatricians, family physicians, brain surgeons, and professors of pathology, chemistry, biology and immunology. All have independently researched the real science and have come to the conclusions you will read about in this document. MD, DO, MB, MBBCh all indicate a doctor of medicine. ND indicates a medically trained and licensed doctor in some areas. FNP indicates a family nurse practitioner.
Ever wonder why doctors can’t find the cause for many diseases? It’s because they are conditioned to ignore the relationship between illness and vaccines. These are some of the diseases that have documented associations with vaccines:
• Allergies and eczema
• Arthritis
• Asthma
• Autism
• Acid reflux requiring an infant to take proton pump inhibitors, which have many side effects
• Cancer
• Diabetes (infant and childhood)
• Kidney disease
• Miscarriages
• Long list of neurological and autoimmune diseases
• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
• And many, many more
These are some known vaccine side effects, documented in medical literature and/or in package inserts:
• Arthritis, bleeding disorders, blood clots, heart attacks, sepsis
• Ear infections
• Fainting (with reports of broken bones)
• Kidney failure requiring dialysis
• Seizures/epilepsy
• Severe allergic reactions, such as hives and anaphylaxis
• Sudden death
• Many common diagnoses given for hospital admissions.
• The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, (NVICP) has awarded more than $1.2 billion in
damages to children and adults injured by vaccines.
Autism is associated with vaccines.
• Autism was rare until the mass vaccination programs were accelerated in 1991, with the
introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine and the HiB (meningitis) vaccine. Tens of thousands of parents will attest that autism appeared in their children very soon after they were given these, and other, vaccines.
• Study the information on the website
You will find the studies denying the association between autism and vaccines to be highly questionable.
Drug companies, insurance companies and the medical system get rich when you get sick.
• Vaccines do not give life-long immunity, which means booster shots are recommended.
• Each booster shot increases the risk of more side effects.
• Vaccine side effects can make you sick for the rest of your life. Conveniently, there are many drugs to treat the side effects caused by vaccines.
• In the U.S., neither drug companies nor doctors can be sued when something bad happens from a
vaccination. Both are protected by the 1986 National Child Vaccine Injury Act. This law, signed into effect by then-president Ronald Reagan decreed: “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” (Public Law 99-660)
Many doctors and health-care practitioners do not get vaccinated and do not vaccinate their children. Why not?
• They know vaccines are not proven to be safe or effective.
• They know vaccines contain dangerous substances.
• They know vaccines cause serious health problems.
• They have treated patients with serious side effects from vaccines.
The only people who benefit from being healthy are you and those you care about.
• Drug companies have infiltrated and seized control over the entire healthcare system, including medical schools, medical journals, hospitals, clinics and the local pharmacy. A doctor’s very livelihood thus depends on blind faith, without questioning any aspect of any vaccination. Even when obvious evidence of vaccine damage occurs right before a doctor’s eyes, s/he is usually unwilling to consider a vaccine as the cause. Though uncorrupt science and medicine support rejection of vaccines, doing so can be considered professional career suicide. The signatories to this document boldly risk this end for the safety of you and your child.
• Hospitals benefit financially from hospitalizations and tests.
• Drug companies make billions of dollars from vaccines.
• Drug companies make tens of billions of dollars from drugs given to treat side effects and life-time illnesses caused by vaccines.
• Vaccines are the backbone of the medical system. Without vaccines, healthcare costs would go down because we would have a healthier overall society. We have exchanged chicken pox for autism, flu for asthma, ear infections for diabetes. The list goes on and on. In the zeal to eliminate a short list of relatively benign microbes, we have traded temporary illnesses for pervasive, life-long diseases, disorders, dysfunctions and disabilities.
How many vaccines are there?
• If U.S. children receive all doses of all vaccines, they are injected with up to 35 shots that contain 113 different kinds of disease particles, 59 different chemicals, four types of animal cells/DNA, human DNA from aborted fetal tissue and human albumin.
• If you think you don’t have to worry about vaccines because your children are older, think again. There are at least 20 more vaccines currently in the development pipeline for release in the next few years, mostly targeting adolescents and adults.
Some Vaccine Ingredients: How is it possible that vaccines will not be harmful to your health?
• Stray viruses and bacteria from the animal cell cultures that vaccines are made in.
• Mercury, a well-documented neurotoxin, is still in the multi-dose flu vaccines throughout the world. Trace amounts remain in several other vaccines.
• Aluminum, a poison that can cause bone, bone marrow and brain degeneration.
• Animal cells from monkeys, dog kidneys, chickens, cows, and humans.
• Formaldehyde (embalming fluid), a known carcinogen.
• Polysorbate 80, known to cause infertility in female mice and testicular atrophy in male mice.
• Gelatin, from pigs and cows, known to cause anaphylactic reactions, is found in large quantities in the MMR, chickenpox and shingles vaccines.
• Monosodium glutamate (MSG) in inhaled flu vaccines, is known to cause metabolic disturbances (e.g. diabetes), seizures and other neurologic disorders.
Conflicts of Interest
• The same people who make rules and recommendations about vaccination profit from vaccine sales. For example, Dr. Julie Gerberding, who was in charge of the CDC for eight years, is now the President of Merck Vaccines. Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice(ACIP), developed and patented his own vaccine.
• According to the CDC, the average U.S. 10-doctor pediatric group has over $100,000 of vaccine inventory in their office to sell. These doctors make money from office visits and from giving your children vaccines, and also from follow up office visits for assessing reactions.
• U.S. pediatricians reportedly make quarterly bonuses from the HMOs they work for by maintaining high vaccination rates in their practices and have reportedly been reprimanded by insurance companies if their vaccination rates fall.
Is there any research that shows the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated children?
The Cal-Oregon project sponsored by Generation Rescue surveyed parents of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated U.S. children. Of the 17,674 children included in the survey, the results showed:
• Vaccinated children had 120% more asthma.
• Vaccinated boys had 317% more ADHD.
• Vaccinated boys had 185% more neurologic disorders.
• Vaccinated boys had 146% more autism.
Girls represented only 20% of the total number of children in the survey. To read the full study for yourself, go to
To read a report on the low incidence of autism among unvaccinated Amish children go to
More studies on autism are found here and here
Vaccine Exemptions in the U.S.
• You do have the right to refuse. Use it.
• Your child does not have to be vaccinated to attend public school.
• Every state has exemptions giving you the right to refuse unwanted vaccines.
• Find a healthcare provider who agrees with your choice to not vaccinate and will respect you at
Many choose health and safety by saying no to vaccines.
• Groups that generally do not vaccinate include holistic practitioners, chiropractors, parents who home school, and those who belong to certain religions.
• Thousands of testimonies written by parents of non-vaccinated children about the state of their children’s robust health are available many places online.
• Vaccination decisions are between you and your spouse/partner. No one else needs to know. It is not the business of your family members, your neighbors, or your in-laws.
To have vibrant health, you will need to take the initiative to learn some new things.
• The safe choice is to say no to vaccines. You have control over health choices you make for yourself and your children. You have no control over the outcome of a vaccination.
• You do not need a pediatrician to simply weigh and measure your child and give shots. Consider a
naturopathic doctor, a pediatric chiropractor, a doctor of oriental medicine, or a homeopathic doctor. You may find that family doctors of osteopathic medicine are more open-minded about vaccine-free choices.
• Babies are born with powerful, natural defenses. If this were not so, all would die shortly after birth. Enormous cascades of complex immune processes start with the first cry. This needs to occur naturally, without the interruption caused by the injections of toxic substances.
• Learn about the “vaccine preventable” diseases. Your children will never come in contact with most of them and if they do, nearly all healthy and unvaccinated children recover uneventfully, with long term immunity. Health cannot come through a needle.
• Learn about the importance of fever, how to take care of it at home and when it is time to call the doctor. Most fevers resolve on their own, with care and support, in just a few hours.
• Understand that your child can be vaccinated and still contract the illness you are wishing to prevent. Vaccines may not provide the protection that people assume they do. Health cannot come through a needle.
• Learn that the primary keys to health are good nutrition, pure water, adequate sleep, routine exercise and happiness.
• Learn some simple information about vitamins, especially the critically important information about vitamin D3. Learn how to use basic herbs and basic homeopathy for health and for addressing minor illnesses.
• Learn more than your doctor about vaccines. Your medical doctor has probably never read anything about vaccines except drug-company and CDC-sponsored publications that support their use.
• Know that healthcare is something you pay for; sick care is covered by insurance. Your insurance will pay for drugs and vaccines.
• Budget accordingly to stay healthy. Your life depends on it.
Web resources for more information and help
• International Medical Council on Vaccination (free webinars)
• Example IMCV regional sites,
• Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Facebook
• ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute
• Vaccination Liberation
• U.S. doctors who don’t vaccinate
• Holistic Moms
• Moms Like Me
Books for more information and a place to start
• Saying No To Vaccines – Sherri Tenpenny, DO
• Make an Informed Vaccine Decision For the Health of Your Child – Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH
• Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? – Neil Miller
• Child Health Guide – Randall Neustaedter
• Childhood Vaccinations: Questions All Parents Should Ask – Tedd Koren, DC
• How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor – Robert Mendelsohn, MD
• Jabs, Jenner and Juggernauts – Jennifer Craig, PhD, BSN, MA, Dhom
• Natural Alternatives to Vaccination – Zoltan Rona, MD
• The Crime of Vaccination – Tenison Deane, MD
• The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is Not Immunization – Tim O’Shea, DC
• Vaccination – Gerhard Buchwald, MD
• Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research – Viera Scheibner, PhD
Medical doctors(MD,DO, 4yr ND), Doctors of Chiropractic, health care workers who work in a conventional setting, and holistic practitioners wishing to participate in future versions of this document or who would like to join our group, please send an e-mail to
International Medical Council on Vaccination
Your servant
Hema Lavanya Das
"harer nama harer nama
harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva
nasty eva gatir anyatha
[Cc. Adi 17.21]
"In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way."
Therefore, please chant the Great-Mantra:
"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare."
and your life will be sublime!
Well, I’m not against or pro vaccination. But the whole medical community, made out by MILLIONS of doctors in the World that had been promoting the vaccinations across the history of the last 100 years can’t be deadly wrong. I guess vaccines might have cause some damage to many, but I’m sure they have help to live and protect from diseases much more people. Some doctors might disagree from vaccination: but for every doctor that’s against, they might be 10, 50 or 100 supporting it.
I think we should avoid fanaticism.
That goes to the birth right too they were discussing before. You might chose to have birth on your home. But what if the baby has severe complications? In your home he would die; in a hospital, they have the tools to help him out and he might live.
If I would have a child, I would have it at a (good) hospital. It just makes good sense to do it so.
Raivata das
Some doctors might disagree from vaccination: but for every doctor that’s against, they might be 10, 50 or 100 supporting it.
Just a little fact to share with you.
I have a grand-son who suffers from autism spectrum disorder. He has seen many such vaccination supporting doctors yet one important thing is common in all of them. The first question they all asked in examining him was if he had been vaccinated. When they hear he has not, they immediately say that he would likely be worse if he had.
There is always a risk factor with any interference with bodily natural functions. It is not the business of the doctors or administration to determine what risk you are willing to take for your child's well being. It is in good faith that doctors promote these immunizations but it exceeds their responsibility.
I think we should avoid fanaticism.
Absolutely. I usually don't speak up much on these topics as I feel it is the personal choice of the parents. Legislating either way would be fanaticism.
That goes to the birth right too they were discussing before. You might chose to have birth on your home. But what if the baby has severe complications?
Most complications can be dealt with properly in a home setting if attended by a qualified midwife. More severe complications, such as chronic conditions will still be there after you get to a neonatal tertiary care hospital. I doubt we intend to have such a hospital in Mayapur, I don't know if there is in Krishnanagar either.
In your home he would die; in a hospital, they have the tools to help him out and he might live.
There we go again. The doctors can save what Krishna cannot save without them. The will of the Lord manifests in whatever way you wish to see it.
If I would have a child, I would have it at a (good) hospital. It just makes good sense to do it so.
Let me share with you this little story of a birth I attended in Mayapur.
Some 15-20 years ago, a child was almost born very premature, 28/40 week gestation. Medical authorities told the mother to go to the hospital where they have "tools" for that complication. She lied to them saying that everything was back to normal and after serious lengthily discussion on the matter, the parents choose to stay in Mayapur. They saw no certainty that a child could be saved in a hospital and wanted that if he was not to live he should die in Mayapur. Their responsibility, their baby, their choice. In the peaceful atmosphere of staying at home praying for Krishna's will to manifest, instead of rushing in a taxi on bumpy roads to Krishnanagar, the child stayed in the womb a surprising 12 more weeks. It defied all medical predictions. He is very healthy to this day.
I am not speaking of vague what if's complication, this is a real case.
If you are ever expecting a child I suggest you also take time to look into iatragenic conditions, those cause by medical interference and drugs. It seems fair to look at both sides before making an informed non fanatic decision.
ys Yasomati dd
Hare Krishna to Whom it May Concern,
My wife gave birth to our child in our home, and everything was 100 percent successful. She gave birth in a water pool that we had purchased. The labor was completely normal and was 8 hours long. A midwife (Maha-Bhava Mataji) came near the later part of the labor, about 7 hours into the labor. So she was there for about the last one hour, and attended to us after the birth. There was not a single complication, and our baby was born big and healthy. My wife had a small amount of tearing, she did not go to a doctor to get stitches, and healed fine in about two weeks.
We had never visited a doctor before birth, nor have we after our child's birth, he has never had, nor will have a vaccination.
He is now 7 months and 1 week old, and has been fed exclusively on breast-milk for 6 months. Due to Krishna's mercy he is a huge baby now, and has developed at a very fast rate and is performing tasks beyond his age group. He has never once become ill, or come down with any sickness, this is purely by the mercy of the Lord.
Personally, no "legislation" can force our family to vaccinate our children, or have a hospital birth. We just would not follow it. You can make whatever mandate or rule you want, but we will have our children at home, and lock our door, what can you do about it.
On a second note, I have had the fortune of visiting the Krishnanagar hospital and seen with my two eyes, the DEPLORABLE, UNSANITARY, conditions of the place. I accidentally wandered into the wrong area, of the hospital, and saw at least twenty or so women in labor laying on the floor against the walls moaning in pain. They were in a long queue to reach the OPERATING theater, which had a floor covered in blood, and one surgeon performing TWO cesarean operations at the same time, he was wearing big old rubber boots and a butchers rubber apron. It honestly looked like a horror movie.
Yes, here in India, especially rural India, cesarean's are the 'Norm' as they take less time, even if you are 100 percent fine to give natural birth they will INSIST you have a cesarean unless you pay them a lot of money to let you have vaginal birth. This is outrageous, and demoniac. You would have to either be completely crazy, or TOTALLY brainwashed to bring you pregnant wife to that place.
The best thing for an expecting mother is a warm and loving natural environment where they can relax, as to make there labor an easier journey. Not a dark and dingy horror movie filled with blood.
Thank you for sharing your experience which is a valuable asset for those wishing to receive their children into this world, in Mayapur, in the most auspicious way possible. It seems there are some very hellish traps around in India and therefore sharing how you avoided them is an important benefit for others in the community.
The community needs such guidance. Ramadevi acbsp is a very good mid wife and can offer much child care support. My son was never vaccinated and he never for anything. I heard the vaccinations are made up of some very nasty animal ingredients. ..
Hoping this meets you well. Hare Krishna!