Simply by chanting Hare Krishna
one can be freed from all undesirable habits.
Chanting Hare Krishna with strong attachment
one achieves the fruit of love of God very soon.
By chanting Hare Krishna we are engaging in the devotional service,
the divine service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna.
Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra purifies one`s consciousness
and produces waves of ecstatic love that completely cleanse the soul.
Harinama is invested with the full potency of the Supreme Lord.
Harinama is absolutely transcendental and possess
the power to dissolve the illusion of the entire material creation at will.
The chanting of Hare Krishna is like a lion`s roar.
As a lion`s roar frightens all small creatures,
the chanting of Hare Krishna ends all of one`s sinful reactions.
Chanting Hare Krishna exerts the deepest and most profound influence
upon anyone who chants it in a mood of reverential devotion.
By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra one can attain the perfection
of associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
in complete bliss and satisfaction in one`s constitutional state.
Chanting Hare Krishna makes one fearless,
bestows supreme peace,
dissolves sins and puts a stop to the cycle of birth and death.
Chanting Hare Krishna is the easiest process of meditation in this age.
It is the easiest means of self-realization.
And it is the simplest means to spiritual perfection.
By chanting Hare Krishna, one can be delivered
regardless of caste, creed, colour or social position.
It does not depend on any paraphernalia, nor birth in a good family.
By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra
one is purified from the false identification of the body
as "I" and bodily possessions as "mine" and
one then transcends the so-called material happiness and distress.
By chanting the glories of Lord Krishna
in the association of devotees,
one becomes satisfied and happy and
develops a loving friendship with the devotees.
Chanting Hare Krishna is so attractive that
anyone who chants it becomes imbued with love of Krishna.
The fruit of love of God is distributed
through the medium of chanting Hare Krishna.
The maha-mantra contains the topmost
sweet names of the Supreme Lord.
The mantra reveals that a soul has an
individual attraction for the Supersoul
by the connection of love.
Harinama has appeared solely
for the benefit of the living entities.
Harinama is the best form
of remembrance of the Supreme Lord.
Nothing is as potent or powerful as Harinama.
Chanting the Hare krishna mantra
extinguish the horrible forest fire of
material existence and removes all material tribulations.
Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra
vanquishes all the effects of sinful activities
whether they are heavy or light.
The formula for world peace is
to develop Krishna consciousness by
chanting the Hare Krishna mantra.
It eradicates envy and hatred and
thus brings real peace, unity and fraternity.
By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra
one can be delivered regardless
of caste, creed, colour or social position.
Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra
drives away all the darkness of ignorance,
cures one of worldly desires and
makes one`s birth in this world successful.
Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra
purifies the mind and heart and
destroys the six enemies which are
lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride and envy.
By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra
one will automatically develop all good
qualities like absence of false prestige and
concern that time should not be wasted.
Our whole spiritual life develops from our
chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra,
like a big tree which grows out of a seed.
I really enjoyed reading about the glories of the maha mantra. Thank you very much.