
  • Volunteer
    Pranam My Dearest Maral Mataji. Hare Krishna.
    Thank you very much for this wonderful lecture.
    May the golden-complexioned Lord Caitanya
    Mahaprabhu, Who rose from the ocean of
    Mother Saci`s womb as a most illustrious
    moon to churn the nectar ocean of the
    topmost devotional mellows, spread the rays
    of His mercy in your heart. May Lord Krishna,
    Who eternally stays in Vrndavana, which is
    embellished with many large and attractive
    kunjas, place His Lotus Feet, which rival the
    beauty of lotus flowers, upon your head. With
    love and best wishes, take care, bye.
  • Hare Krishna Maral mataji. Please accept my humble obiesances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.Thanks for sharing such a good thought which I have experienced but given a little thought on this dimension which you have spoken about. In nutshell I need to think positive about my husband.Thank u again.Your other topics are also very nice and practically  very helpful. Thank u again for sharing so valuable knowledge. Hare Krishna.  

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