
Vibhävari Shesha.

vibhävari shesha, äloka-pravesha,nidrä chäri' uthho jivabolo hari hari, mukunda muräri,räma krishna hayagrivaThe night has come to an end and the light of dawn is entering. O jiva soul, arise and give up your sleep. Chant the holy names of Lord Hari, who is the giver of liberation; the enemy of the Mura demon; the supreme enjoyer; the all-attractive one; and the horse-headed incarnation, Hayagriva.nrisimha vämana, shri-madhusüdana,brajendra-nandana shyämapütanä-ghätana, kaithabha-shätana,jaya däsharathi-rämaLord Hari [Krishna] incarnated as the half-man, half-lion, Nrisimha. He appeared as a dwarf-brähmana named Upendra and is the killer of the Madhu demon. He is the beloved son of the King of Vraja, Nanda Mahäräja, and is blackish in complexion. He is the slayer of the Pütanä witch and the destroyer of the demon Kaithabha. All glories to Lord Hari, who appeared as Lord Räma, the son of King Dasharatha.yashodä duläla, govinda-gopäla,vrindävana purandaragopi-priya-jana, rädhikä-ramana,bhuvana -sundara-baraHe is the darling of mother Yashodä; the giver of pleasure to the cows, land, and spiritual senses; and the protector of the cows. He is the Lord of the Vrindävana forest; the gopis' beloved; the lover of Rädhikä; and the most beautiful personality in all the worlds.rävänäntakara, mäkhana-taskara,gopi-jana-vastra-häribrajera räkhäla, gopa-vrinda-päla,citta-häri bamshi-dhäriAs Rämacandra He brought about the end of the demoniac King Rävana; as Krishna He stole the older gopis' butter; He stole the younger gopis' clothes while they were bathing in the Yamunä. He is a cowherd boy of Vraja and the protector of the cowherd boys. He steals the hearts of all and always holds a flute.yogindra-bandana, shri-nanda-nandana,braja-jana-bhaya-härinavina nirada, rüpa manohara,Lord Krishna is worshiped by the best of yogis and is the son of Nanda. He removes all the fears of the inhabitants of Vraja. He is the color of a fresh rain cloud, and His form is enchanting. When He wanders about, playing His flute, He looks very charming.yashodä-nandana, kamsa-nisüdana,nikunja-räsa-viläsikadamba-känana, räsa-paräyana,brinda-vipina-niväsiHe is the son of Yashodä and the killer of King Kamsa, and He sports in the räsa dance among the groves of Vraja. Krishna engages in this räsa dance underneath the kadamba trees, and He resides in the forest of Vrindävana.änanda-vardhana, prema-niketana,phula-shara-jojaka kämagopänganä-gana, citta-vinodana,samasta-guna-gana-dhämaHe increases the ecstasy of His devotees. He is the reservoir of all love and is the transcendental Cupid who uses His flowered arrows to increase the loving desires of the gopis. He is the pleasure of the gopis' hearts and the abode of all wonderful qualities.jämuna-jivana, keli-paräyana,mänasa-candra-cakoranäma-sudhä-rasa, gäo krishna-jasharäkho vacana mana moraLord Krishna is the life of the River Yamunä. He is always absorbed in amorous pastimes, and He is the moon of the gopis' minds, which are like the cakora birds that subsist only upon moonlight. O mind, obey these words of mine and sing the glories of SHri Krishna in the form of these holy names, which are full of nectarean mellows.

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