Text 61sri-radha srimati sresthasrestha-rupa sruti-priyayogesa yoga-mata cayogatita yuga-priyaShe worships Lord Krsna (sri-radha). She is beautiful (srimati). She is the best (srestha and srestha-rupa). She is dear to the Vedas (sruti-priya), the queen of yoga (yogesa), the mother of yoga (yoga-mata), beyond yoga (yogatita), and dear to the two divine persons (yuga-priya).Text 62yoga-priya yoga-gamyayogini-gana-vanditajava-kusuma-sankasadadimi-kusumopamaShe is dear to yoga (yoga-priya), approached by yoga (yoga-gamya), worshiped by the yoginis (yogini-gana-vandita), glorious as a rose (java-kusuma-sankasa), and glorious as a pomegranate (dad imi-kusumopama).Text 63nilambaradhara dhiradhairya-rupa-dhara dhritihratna-simhasana-stha caratna-kundala-bhusitaShe wears blue garments (nilambara-dhara). She is very sober and serious (dhira and dhairya-rupa-dhara). She is seriousness (dhriti). She sits on a jewel throne (ratna-simhasana-stha) and She is decorated with jewel earrings (ratna-kundala-bhusita).Text 64ratnalankara-samyuktaratna-malya-dhara pararatnendra-sara-haradhyaratna-mala-vibhusitaShe wears jewel ornaments (ratnalankara-samyukta), a necklace of jewels (ratna-malya-dhara and ratna-mala-vibhusita), and a necklace of the kings of jewels (ratnendra-sara-haradhya). She is transcendental (para).Text 65indranila-mani-nyasta-pada-padma-subha sucihkarttiki paurnamasi caamavasya bhayapahaHer lotus feet are beautiful with sapphire ornaments (indranila-mani-nyasta-pada-padma-subha) and She is beautiful (suci). She is the month of Karttika (karttiki), the full-moon day (paurnamasi), the new-moon day (amavasya), and the remover of fears (bhayapaha).Text 66govinda-raja-grhinigovinda-gana-pujitavaikuntha-natha-grhinivaikuntha-paramalayaShe is Lord Govinda's queen (govinda-raja-grhini) and She is worshiped by Lord Govinda's devotees (govinda-gana-pujita). She is the queen of Vaikuntha's king (vaikuntha-natha-grhini) and She resides in the supreme abode of Vaikuntha (vaikuntha-paramalaya).Text 67vaikunthadeva-devadhyatatha vaikuntha-sundarimahalasa vedavatisita sadhvi pati-vrataShe is glorious in the comopany of Vaikuntha's supreme king (vaikuntha-deva-devadhya) and She is the beautiful goddess of Vaikuntha (vaikuntha-sundari). She is languid (mahalasa), wise (vedavati), saintly (sadhvi), and devoted to Her Lord (pati-vrata). She is Goddess Sita (sita).Text 68anna-purna sadananda-rupa kaivalya-sundarikaivalya-dayini sresthagopinatha-manoharaShe is Goddess Durga (anna-purna). Her form is full of eternal bliss (sadananda-rupa). She is the most beautiful (kaivalya-sundari), the giver of liberation (kaivalya-dayini), the best (srestha), and the girl who charms Lord Gopinatha's heart (gopinatha-manohara).Text 69gopinathesvari candinayika-nayananvitanayika nayaka-pritanayakananda-rupiniShe is Lord Gopinatha's queen (gopinathesvari). She is passionate (candi). She has the eyes of a beautiful heroine (nayika-nayananvita). She is a beautiful heroine (nayika). She is dear to the hero Krsna (nayaka-prita). She delights the hero Krsna (nayakananda-rupini).Text 70sesa sesavati sesa-rupini jagad-ambikagopala-palika mayajayanandaprada tathaShe reclines on Lord Sesa (sesa, sesavati, and sesa-rupini). She is the mother of the universe (jagad-ambika), the protectress of the cowherd people (gopala-palika), the Lord's illusory potency (maya), and she who gives the bliss of victory (jayanandaprada).Text 71kumari yauvananandayuvati gopa-sundarigopa-mata janaki cajanakananda-kariniShe is a young girl (kumari and yuvati), filled with the bliss of youthfulness (yauvanananda), a beautiful gopi (gopa-sundari), the mother of the gopas (gopa-mata), the daughter of King Janaka (janaki), and the girl who gives bliss to King Janaka (janakananda-karini).Text 72kailasa-vasini rambhavairagyakula-dipikakamala-kanta-grhinikamala kamalalayaShe is the Goddess who resides on Mount Kailasa (kailasa-vasini). She is the apsara Rambha (rambha). She is a glowing lamp of renunciation (vairagyakula-dipika). She is Lord Narayana's wife (kamala-kanta-grhini). She is the goddess of fortune (kamala) and the abode where the goddess of fortune resides (kamalalaya).Text 73trailokya-mata jagatamadhisthatri priyambikahara-kanta hara-rataharananda-pradayiniShe is the mother of the three worlds (trailokya-mata), the predominating Deity of the universes (jagatam adhisthatri), the beloved (priya), the mother (ambika), the beloved of Lord Siva (hara-kanta and hara-rata), and She who gives bliss to Lord Siva (harananda-pradayini).Text 74hara-patni hara-pritahara-tosana-tatparaharesvari rama-ratarama ramesvari ramaShe is Lord Siva's wife (hara-patni), Lord Siva's beloved (hara-prita), devoted to pleasing Lord Siva (hara-tosana-tatpara), Lord Siva's queen (haresvari), Lord Rama's beloved (rama-rata and rama), and Lord Rama's queen (ramesvari).Text 75syamala citra-lekha catatha bhuvana-mohinisu-gopi gopa-vanitagopa-rajya-prada subhaShe is Lord Krsna's beloved (syamala), wonderfully beautiful (citra-lekha), the enchantress of the three worlds (bhuvana-mohini), a beautiful gopi (su-gopi and gopa-vanita), she who gives a kingdom to the gopas (gopa-rajya-prada), and beautiful (subha).Text 76angavapurna maheyimatsya-raja-suta satikaumari narasimhi cavarahi nava-durgikaShe is beautiful (angavapurna), the queen of the earth (maheyi), the daughter of Matsyaraja (matsya-raja-suta), saintly (sati), a young girl (kaumari), Lord Nrsimha's beloved goddess of fortune (narasimhi), Lord Varaha's beloved (varahi), and the mother of the nine Durgas (nava-durgika).Text 77cancala cancalamodanari bhuvana-sundaridaksa-yajna-hara daksidaksa-kanya su-locanaShe is fickle (cancala and cancalamoda), appears to be a human girl (nari), is the most beautiful girl in the worlds (bhuvana-sundari), stopped Daksa's yajna (daksa-yajna-hara), is Daksa's daughter (daksi and daksa-kanya), and has beautiful eyes (su-locana).Text 78rati-rupa rati-pritarati-srestha rati-pradaratir laksmana-geha-sthaviraja bhuvanesvariShe is beautiful (rati-rupa), delightful (rati-prita and rati-prada), the most delightful (rati-srestha) happiness (rati), the goddess who stays in Laksmana's home (laksmana-geha-stha), free from the world of matter (viraja), and the queen who rules the worlds (bhuvanesvari).Text 79sankhaspada harer jayajamatr-kula-vanditabakula bakulamoda-dharini yamuna jayaShe has countless transcendental abodes (sankhaspada). She is Lord Hari's wife (harer jaya). She is worshiped by Her in-laws (jamatr-kula-vandita). She is beautiful as a bakula flower (bakula) and fragrant as a bakula flower (bakulamoda-dharini). She is the Yamuna river (yamuna) and the goddess of victory (jaya).Text 80vijaya jaya-patni cayamalarjuna-bhanjinivakresvari vakra-rupavakra-viksana-viksitaShe is the goddess of victory (vijaya), the wife of the Lord of victory (jaya-patni), the beloved of He who broke the yamalarjuna trees (yamalarjuna-bhanjini), the queen of the crooked and deceptive (vakresvari), graceful (vakra-rupa), and a girl expert at crooked glances (vakra-viksana-viksita).Text 81aparajita jagannathajagannathesvari yatihkhecari khecara-sutakhecaratva-pradayiniShe is unconquerable (aparajita), the queen of the universes (jagannatha), she who controls the king of the universes (jagannathesvari), renounced (yati), a goddess who lives in the celestial worlds (khecari khecara-suta), and one who brings others to the celestial worlds (khecaratva-pradayini).Text 82visnu-vaksah-sthala-stha cavisnu-bhavana-tatparacandra-koti-sugatri cacandranana-manohariShe rests on Lord Visnu's chest (visnu-vaksah-sthala-stha) and is rapt in meditation on Lord Visnu (visnu-bhavana-tatpara). She is beautiful as millions of moons (candra-koti-sugatri) and Her moonlike face is very beautiful (candranana-manohari).Text 83seva-sevya siva ksematatha ksema-kari vadhuhyadavendra-vadhuh sevyasiva-bhakta sivanvitaShe should be served with devotion (seva-sevya). She is Lord Siva's beloved (siva). She is patience (ksema), patient (ksema-kari), a beautiful girl (vadhu), the wife of the Yadavas' king (yadavendra-vadhu), the object of devotional service (sevya), a great devotee of Lord Siva (siva-bhakta), and Lord Siva's companion (sivanvita).Text 84kevala nisphala suksmamaha-bhimabhayapradajimuta-rupa jaimutijitamitra-pramodiniShe is liberated (kevala), free from the fruits of karma (nisphala), subtle (suksma), terrifying (maha-bhima), the giver of fearlessness (abhayaprada), the sustainer (jimuta-rupa), Lord Visnu's beloved (jaimuti), and the girl who delights Lord Visnu (jitamitra-pramodini).Text 85gopala-vanita nandakulajendra-nivasinijayanti yamunangi cayamuna-tosa-kariniShe is Lord Gopala's beloved (gopala-vanita), dear to King Nanda (nanda), of noble birth (kulaja), the resident of a king's palace (indra-nivasini), glorious (jayanti), a girl who stays by the Yamuna (yamunangi), and a girl who pleases the Yamuna (yamuna-tosa-karini).Text 86kali-kalmasa-bhanga cakali-kalmasa-nasinikali-kalmasa-rupa canityananda-kari krpaShe breaks and destroys the sins of Kali-yuga (kali-kalmasa-bhanga and kali-kalmasa-nasini). She is expert at enjoying pastimes of quarreling with Lord Krsna (kali-kalmasa-rupa). She brings Lord Krsna eternal bliss (nityananda-kari). She is kindness personified (krpa).Text 87krpavati kulavatikailasacala-vasinivama-devi vama-bhagagovinda-priya-kariniShe is merciful (krpavati), born in a very respectable and noble family (kulavati), the goddess who resides on Mount Kailasa (kailasacala-vasini), beautiful (vama-devi and vama-bhaga), and she who delights Lord Govinda (govinda-priya-karini).Text 88nagendra-kanya yogesiyogini yoga-rupiniyoga-siddha siddha-rupasiddha-ksetra-nivasiniShe is the daughter of Nagaraja (nagendra-kanya), the queen of yoga (yogesi) a performer of yoga (yogini), yoga personified (yoga-rupini), the perfection of yoga (yoga-siddha), the perfection of yoga personified (siddha-rupa), and she who resides in a sacred place (siddha-ksetra-nivasini).Text 89ksetradhisthatr-rupa caksetratita kula-pradakesavananda-datri cakesavananda-dayiniShe is the predominating Deity of sacred places (ksetradhisthatr-rupa), beyond all places in this world (ksetratita), born in a noble family (kula-prada), and the giver of happiness to Lord Kesava (kesavananda-datri and kesavananda-dayini).Text 90kesava kesava-pritakesavi kesava-priyarasa-krida-kari rasa-vasini rasa-sundariShe is Lord Kesava's beloved (kesava, kesava-prita, kesavi, and kesava-priya), the enjoyer of the rasa-dance pastimes (rasa-krida-kari), the girl who stays in the rasa-dance arena (rasa- vasini), and the beautiful girl of the raasa dance (rasa-sundari).
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