Text 151hari-bhusana-bhusadhya-nanda-yuktardra-pada-gahai-hai-tala-dhara thai-thai-sabda-sakti-prakasiniShe is decorated with ornaments that decorate Lord Hari's ornaments (hari-bhusana-bhusadhya). She is blissful (ananda-yukta). She is half of Lord Lord Krsna (ardra-pada-ga). She expertly beats the rhythm hai hai (hai-hai-tala-dhara) and the rhythm thai thai (thai-thai-sabda-sakti-prakasini).Text 152he-he-sabda-svarupa cahi-hi-vakya-visaradajagad-ananda-kartri casandrananda-visaradaShe expertly sings "Oh! Oh!" (he-he-sabda-svarupa and hi-hi-vakya-visarada). She fills the world with bliss (jagad-ananda-kartri). She is expert at enjoying intense transcendental bliss (sandrananda-visarada).Text 153pandita pandita-gunapanditananda-kariniparipalana-kartri catatha sthiti-vinodiniShe is wise and learned (pandita). She has the virtues of the wise (pandita-guna). She delights the wise (panditananda-karini). She protects the devotees (paripalana-kartri). She enjoys transcendental pastimes in Her home (sthiti-vinodini).Text 154tatha samhara-sabdadhyavidvaj-jana-manoharavidusam priti-jananividvat-prema-vivardhiniShe is eloquent (samhara-sabdadhya). She enchants the wise (vidvaj-jana-manohara). She is the mother of happiness for the wise (vidusam priti-janani). She increases the love the wise feel for Lord Krsna (vidvat-prema-vivardhini).Text 155nadesi nada-rupa canada-bindu-vidharinisunya-sthana-sthita sunya-rupa-padapa-vasiniShe is the queen of words (nadesi). She is eloquent words personified (nada-rupa). She concisely speaks a droplet of words (nada-bindu-vidharini). She stays in a place far beyond the material realm (sunya-sthana-sthita). She stays under a tree far beyond the material realm (sunya- rupa-padapa-vasini).Text 156karttika-vrata-kartri cavasana-harini tathajala-saya jala-talasila-tala-nivasiniShe performs the vow of Karttika-vrata (karttika-vrata-kartri). She takes away material desires (vasana-harini). She resides on the milk-ocean (jala-saya and jala-tala) and on a hill (sila-tala-nivasini).Text 157ksudra-kitanga-samsargasanga-dosa-vinasinikoti-kandarpa-lavanyakandarpa-koti-sundariShe will show Her mercy to the most insignificant creature (ksudra-kitanga-samsarga). She cures the disease born of contact with the material energy (sanga-dosa-vinasini). She is more beautiful than many millions of Kamadevas (koti-kandarpa-lavanya and kandarpa-koti-sundari).Text 158kandarpa-koti-jananikama-bija-pradayinikama-sastra-vinoda cakama-sastra-prakasiniShe is the mother of millions of Kamadevas (kandarpa-koti-janani). She gives the seed of the desire to attain Lord Krsna (kama-bija-pradayini). She is expert in the science of amorous pastimes (kama-sastra-vinoda and kama-sastra-prakasini).Text 159kama-prakasika kaminyanimady-asta-siddhi-dayamini yamini-natha-vadana yaminisvariShe is an amorous girl (kama-prakasika and kamini). She grants the eight mystic perfections, beginning with anima (animady-asta-siddhi-da). She is in control of Her senses (yamini) and She is the leader of all restrained, self-controlled girls (yamini-natha-vadana and yaminisvari).Text 160yaga-yoga-hara bhukti-mukti-datri hiranya-dakapala-malini devidhama-rupiny apurva-daShe gives the results of Vedic sacrififces (yaga-yoga-hara). She gives sense gratification and liberation (bhukti-mukti-datri). She gives gold (hiranya-da). As Durga-devi, She wears a garland of skulls (kapala-malini). She is a goddess (devi). Her form is splendid and glorious (dhama-rupini). She gives what has never been given before (apurva-da).Text 161krpanvita guna gaunyagunatita-phala-pradakusmanda-bhuta-vetala-nasini saradanvitaShe is merciful (krpanvita), virtuous (guna), and the most important (gaunya). She gives a result that is beyond the three modes of material nature (gunatita-phala-prada). She kills the kusmandas, bhutas, and vetalas (kusmanda-bhuta-vetala-nasini). She is glorious like autumn (saradanvita).Text 162sitala savala helalila lavanya-mangalavidyarthini vidyamanavidya vidya-svarupiniShe is pleasingly cool (sitala). She has a great variety of virtues (savala). She is happiness (hela) and playfulness (lila). She is beautiful and auspicious (lavanya-mangala). She is an earnest student (vidyarthini). She is known by the devotees (vidyamana). She is knowledge personified (vidya and vidya-svarupini).Text 163anviksiki sastra-rupasastra-siddhanta-karininagendra naga-mata cakrida-kautuka-rupiniShe is the science of logic (anviksiki), the Vedas personified (sastra-rupa), the teacher of the Vedas' final conclusion (sastra-siddhanta-karini, the beloved of Lord Sesa (nagendra), the mother of the snakes (naga-mata) and playful and happy (krida-kautuka-rupini).Text 164hari-bhavana-sila cahari-tosana-tat-parahari-prana hara-pranasiva-prana sivanvitaShe meditates on Lord Hari (hari-bhavana-sila), and is dedicated to pleasing Lord Hari (hari-tosana-tat-para). She is Lord Hari's life and soul (hari-prana), Lord Siva's life and soul (hara-prana and siva-prana), and Lord Siva's companion (sivanvita).Text 165narakarnava-samhantrinarakarnava-nasininaresvari naratitanara-sevya naranganaShe destroys the ocean of hellish sufferings (narakarnava-samhantri and narakarnava-nasini). She is the queen of humans (naresvari), is beyond the world of humans (naratita), should be served by humans (nara-sevya), and is like an ordinary human girl (narangana).Text 166yasodanandana-prana-vallabha hari-vallabhayasodanandanaramyayasodanandanesvariFor Yasoda's son She is more dear than life (yasodanandana-prana-vallabha). She is dear to Lord Hari (hari-vallabha). She delights Yasoda's son (yasodanandanaramya). She is the queen of Yasoda's son (yasodanandanesvari).Text 167yasodanandanakridayasoda-kroda-vasiniyasodanandana-pranayasodanandanarthadaShe enjoys pastimes with Yasoda's son (yasodanandanakrida), sits on the lap of Yasoda's son (yasoda-kroda-vasini), is the life and soul of Yasoda's son (yasodanandana-prana), and fulfills the desires of Yasoda's son (yasodanandanarthada).Text 168vatsala kausala kalakarunarnava-rupinisvarga-laksmir bhumi-laksmir draupadi pandava-priyaShe is affectionate (vatsala), expert (kausala), beautiful (kala), and an ocean of mercy (karunarnava-rupini). She is heavenly opulence (svarga-laksmi) and earthly opulence (bhumi-laksmi). She is Draupadi (draupadi), who is dear to the Pandavas (pandava-priya).Text 169tatharjuna-sakhi bhaumibhaimi bhima-kulodvahabhuvana mohana ksinapanasakta-tara tathaShe is Arjuna's friend (arjuna-sakhi), a resident of the earth (bhaumi), very exalted (bhaimi), born in an exalted family (bhima-kulodvaha), a resident of the material worlds (bhuvana), charming (mohana), slender (ksina), and fond of betelnuts (panasakta-tara).Text 170panarthini pana-patrapana-pananda-dayinidugdha-manthana-karmadhyadugdha-manthana-tat-paraShe begs for betelnuts (panarthini), is Lord Sri Krsna's betelnut cup (pana-patra), and gives the happiness of chewing betelnuts (pana-pananda-dayini). She dutifully churns milk (dugdha-manthana-karmadhya and dugdha-manthana-tat-para).Text 171dadhi-bhandarthini krsna-krodhini nandananganaghrta-lipta takra-yuktayamuna-para-kautukaLord Krsna asks for Her jug of yogurt (dadhi-bhandarthini). She becomes angry at Krsna (krsna-krodhini). Sheb is a delightful girl (nandanangana) anointed with ghee (ghrta-lipta), carring buttermilk (takra-yukta), and eager to cross to the Yamuna's other shore (yamuna-para-kautuka).Text 172vicitra-kathaka krsna-hasya-bhasana-tat-paragopanganavestita cakrsna-sangarthini tathaShe speaks wonderful and colorful words (vicitra-kathaka). Her words mock Krsna (krsna-hasya-bhasana-tat-para). She is surrounded by the gopis (gopanganavestita). She yearns for Lord Krsna's company (krsna-sangarthini).Text 173rasasakta rasa-ratirasavasakta-vasanaharidra harita harinyanandarpita-cetanaShe is attached to the rasa dance (rasasakta) and She enjoys the rasa dance (rasa-rati). She is attached to drinking asava nectar (asavasakta-vasana). Her complexion is fair (haridra and harita) and She is charming (harini). She brings bliss to the heart (anandarpita-cetana).Text 174niscaitanya ca niscetatatha daru-haridrikasubalasya svasa krsna-bharya bhasati-veginiShe faints with love of Krsna (niscaitanya and nisceta) and becomes like a golden doll made of wood (daru-haridrika). She is Subala's sister (subalasya svasa), and Krsna's wife (krsna-bharya). She is very eloquent (bhasati-vegini).Text 175sridamasya sakhi dama-damini dama-dharinikailasini kesini caharid-ambara-dhariniShe is Sridama's friend (sridamasya sakhi). She is glorious (dama-damini and dama-dharini). She is Parvati (kailasini). She has beautiful hair (kesini). She wears blue garments (harid-ambara-dharini).Text 176hari-sannidhya-datri cahari-kautuka-mangalahari-prada hari-dvarayamuna-jala-vasiniShe stays by Lord Krsna's side (hari-sannidhya-datri). She is very happy to stay with Lord Krsna (hari-kautuka-mangala). She gives Lord Hari (hari-prada) and She is the door to Lord Hari (hari-dvara). She resides by the Yamuna (yamuna-jala-vasini).Text 177jaitra-prada jitarthi cacatura caturi tamitamisra''tapa-rupa caraudra-rupa yaso-'rthiniShe gives victory (jaitra-prada). She has conquered Her desires (jitarthi). She is expert and intelligent (catura and caturi). She is darkness (tami and tamisra). She is austerity (atapa-rupa). She is ferocious (raudra-rupa). She is famous (yaso-'rthini).Text 178krsnarthini krsna-kalakrsnananda-vidhayinikrsnartha-vasana krsna-ragini bhava-bhaviniShe yearns to associate with Lord Krsna (krsnarthini). She is an expansion of Lord Krsna (krsna-kala). She delights Lord Krsna (krsnananda-vidhayini). She yearns to associate with Lord Krsna (krsnartha-vasana), and She passionately loves Lord Krsna (krsna-ragini and bhava-bhavini).Text 179krsnartha-rahita bhaktabhakta-bhukti-subha-pradasri-krsna-rahita dinatatha virahini harehShe has no desire except to associate with Lord Krsna (krsnartha-rahita). She is devoted to Lord Krsna (bhakta). She gives happiness and auspiciousness to the devotees (bhakta-bhukti-subha-prada). Separated from Lord Krsna (sri-krsna-rahita), She becomes very poor and wretched (dina). This happens when She is separated from Lord Hari (virahini hareh).Text 180mathura mathura-raja-geha-bhavana-bhavanasri-krsna-bhavanamodatatho'nmada-vidhayiniShe stays in Mathura (mathura). When He stays in the home of Mathura's king, Lord Krsna always thinks of Her (mathura-raja- geha-bhavana-bhavana). She is happy when She can think of Lord Krsna (sri-krsna-bhavanamoda). She is mad with love for Lord Krsna (unmada-vidhayini).Text 181krsnartha-vyakula krsna-sara-carma-dhara subhaalakesvara-pujya cakuveresvara-vallabhaShe is agitated with the desire to attain Lord Krsna (krsnartha-vyakula). She is the beloved of Lord Siva, who wears a deerskin (krsnasara-carma-dhara). She is beautiful (subha). She is worshiped by Kuvera (alakesvara-pujya) and She is dear to Kuvera's master, Lord Siva (kuveresvara-vallabha).Text 182dhana-dhanya-vidhatri cajaya kaya haya hayipranava pranavesi capranavartha-svarupiniShe gives great wealth (dhana-dhanya-vidhatri). She is Lord Krsna 's wife (jaya). Her form is spiritual (kaya). She is the beloved of Lord Hayagriva (haya and hayi). She is the sacred syllable Om (pranava), the queen of the sacred syylable Om (pranavesi), and the personification of the sacred syllable Om (pranavartha-svarupini).Text 183brahma-visnu-sivardhanga-harini saiva-simsaparaksasi-nasini bhuta-preta-prana-vinasiniShe is the other half of Lord Visnu, Lord Siva, and Lord Brahma (brahma-visnu-sivardhanga-harini). She is Lord Siva's beloved (saiva-simsapa). She kills the demonesses (raksasi-nasini). She kills the bhutas and pretas (bhuta-preta-prana-vinasini).Text 184sakalepsita-datri casaci sadhvi arundhatipati-vrata pati-pranapati-vakya-vinodiniasesa-sadhani kalpa-vasini kalpa-rupiniShe fulfills all desires (sakalepsita-datri). She is Saci (saci). She is saintly (sadhvi). She is Arundhati (arundhati). She is faithful to Her husband (pati-vrata). Her husband is Her very life (pati-prana). She delights in Her husband's words (pati-vakya-vinodini). She has the power to do anything (asesa-sadhani). All Her desires are automatically fulfilled (kalpa-vasini and kalpa-rupini).Sruti-phalaThe Result of HearingText 1sri-mahadeva uvacaity etat kathitam deviradha-nama-sahasrakamyah pathet pathayad vapitasya tusyati madhavahLord Siva said: Thus I have spoken to you the thousand names of Sri Radha. Lord Madhava is pleased with anyone who reads or has someone else read these names.Text 2kim tasya yamunabhir vanadibhih sarvatah priyekuruksetradi-tirthais cayasya tusto janardanahWhen one pleases Lord Janardana what need has he for the sacred rivers headed by the Yamuna, or the holy places headed by Kuruksetra?Text 3stotrasyasya prasadenakim na sidhyati bhu-talebrahmano brahma-varcasviksatriyo jagati-patihWhat perfection is not attained in this world by the mercy of this prayer? By its mercy a brahmana becomes powerful as the demigod Brahma and a ksatriya becomes king of the world.Texts 4 and 5vaisyo nidhi-patir bhuyatsudro mucyeta janmatahbrahma-hatya-sura-pana-steyader ati-patakatsadyo mucyeta devesisatyam satyam na samsayahradha-nama-sahasrasyasamanam nasti bhu-taleBy its mercy a vaisya becomes the master of great wealth and a Sudra becomes free from his low birth. By its mercy one becomes free from a host of sins beginning with killing a brahmana, drinking wine, and committing theft. O queen of the demigods, it is true. There is no doubt it is true. In this world there is nothing equal to the thousand names of Sri Radha.Text 6svarge vapy atha patalegirau va jalato 'pi vanatah param subham stotramtirtham natah param paramIn Svargaloka, in Patalaloka, on the mountains, or in the oceans no prayer is better than this prayer, no holy place is better than this prayer.Text 7ekadasyam sucir bhutvayah pathet susamahitahtasya sarvartha-siddhih syacchrinuyad va su-sobhaneA person who becomes clean and attentively reads or hears this prayer on the ekadasi day attains all his desires, O beautiful one.Text 8dvadasyam paurnamasyam vatulasi-sannidhau siveyah pathet srinuyad vapitasya tat tat phalam srinuO auspicious one, please hear the result attained by a person who reads or hears this prayer in the presence of Tulasi-devi on a dvadasi or on the full-moon day.Texts 9-14asvamedham rajasuyambarhaspatyam tatha trikamati-ratram vajapeyamagnistomam tatha subhamkritva yat phalam apnotisrutva tat phalam apnuyatkarttike castamim prapyapathed va srinuyad apisahasra-yuga-kalpantamvaikuntha-vasatim labhettatas ca brahma-bhavanesivasya bhavane punahsuradhinatha-bhavaneŠpunar yati sa-lokatamgaìga-tiram samasadyayah pathet srinuyad apivisnoh sarupyam ayatisatyam satyam suresvarimama vaktra-girer jataparvati-vadanasritaradha-natha-sahasrakhyanadi trailokya-pavanipathyate hi maya nityambhaktya saktya yathocitamA person who reads or hears this prayer attains the same result as if he had performed asvamedha, raajasuya, barhaspatya, trika, atiratra, vajapeya, and agnistoma yajna. A person who reads or hears this prayer on the astami day of the month of Karttika lives in Vaikuntha for thousands of yugas. He goes to Brahma's abode, Siva's abode, and Indra's abode. A person who on the Ganges shore reads or hears this prayer attains a spiritual form like that of Lord Visnu. O queen of the demigods, it is true! It is true! This prayer, called the thousand names of Sri Radha, is a river born on the mountain of my words that now takes shelter in the mouth of Sri Parvati, a river that purifies the three worlds. I regularly read this prayer with devotion, as far as I am able.Text 15mama prana-samam hy etattava pritya prakasitamnabhaktaya pradatavyampasandaya kadacananastikayaviragayaraga-yuktaya sundariThis prayer is dear to me as life. That is why I have revealed it to you, my beloved. O beautiful one, this prayer should never be given to one who is not a devotee, to a blasphemer, to an atheist, to one who is not austere, or to one filled with material desires.Text 16tatha deyam maha-stotramhari-bhaktaya saìkarivaisnavesu yatha-saktidatre punyartha-salineO auspicious one, this prayer should be given to one who is devoted to Lord Hari. It should be given to a pious person who will in turn give it to the Vaisnavas as far as he is able.Text 17radha-nama-sudha-varimama vaktra-sudhambudhehuddhritasau tvaya yatnatyatas tvam vaisnavagranihYou are the best of Vaisnavas because you have carefully taken the nectar of Sri Radha's names from the nectar ocean of my words.Texts 18-20visuddha-sattvaya yathartha-vadinedvijasya seva-nirataya mantrinedatre yatha-sakti subhakta-manaseradha-pada-dhyana-paraya sobhanehari-padabja-madhupa-mano-bhutaya manaseradha-pada-sudhasvada-saline vaisnavaya cadadyat stotram maha-punyamhari-bhakti-prasadhanamjanmantaram na tasyastiradha-Krishna-padarthinahO beautiful one, a person who gives this very sacred prayer, which gives Krishna-bhakti, to one situated in the mode of pure goodness, to one who speaks the truth, to one who chants sacred mantras, to one who gives charity as far as he is able, to one whose heart is devoted to the Lord, to one who meditates on Sri Radha's feet, to one whose mind is a bumblebee at the lotus flower of Lord Hari's feet, to one who is thoughtful, to one who tastes the nectar at Sri Radha's feet, or to one who is a Vaisnava, attains Sri Sri Radha-Krishna's feet. He does not take birth again.Text 21mama prana vaisnava hitesam raksartham eva hisulam maya dharyate hinanyatha maitra-karanamThe Vaisnavas are my very life. I carry my trident to protect them. There is no other reason.Text 22hari-bhakti-dvisam arthesulam sandharyate mayasrinu devi yathartham megaditam tvayi su-vrateI carry my trident to punish they who hate the devotees of Lord Hari. Hear this, O pious goddess, for to you I speak the truth.Text 23bhaktasi me priyasi tvamadah snehat prakasitamkadapi nocyate devimaya nama-sahasrakamYou are my devotee and You are dear to me. Therefore, out of affection I have revealed this to you. O goddess, I have never before spoken these thousand names.
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