
Kern: Is the prayer communal, where all take part in the prayer, or is it individual?

Prabhupāda: But there are different classes of men. So therefore nine methods of devotional service. And the general method is hearing. Hearing about God.

Scheverman: Hearing about God. So therefore the necessity of speaking aloud in one's prayer. Yes. The father was speaking of the charismatics among Christians. That is one of their tenets, too, speaking a prayer, praise, aloud, so that it can be heard and all simultaneously join in it too.

Prabhupāda: And if factually one hears from the right source and the right words, automatically he becomes God conscious.




Male devotee: Prabhupāda, if we follow these four regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds sincerely every day, all this nonsense knowledge will eventually be forgotten?

Prabhupāda: Yes, yes. You can see practically, all of you, what you were and what you are now. That's all. It is practical; it is not theoretical.

(Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita--------Miami).



Dr. Patel: Practice and vairāgya both are necessary, not only vairāgya. No?

Prabhupāda: Hm?

Dr. Patel: Practice and vairāgya both are necessary.

Prabhupāda: Vairāgya means when you are not addicted to sinful life. That is vairāgya. People have got attachment for sinful activities. (break) ...deve bhagavati bhakti-yoga-prayojitaḥ, janayaty aśu vairāgyam. That is the vairāgya way. You cannot practice vairāgya without Vasudeva's shelter.

Dr. Patel: Vairāgya generates by extreme bhakti or by extreme knowledge. Not otherwise. Knowledge is generated by bhakti, no doubt, but then you must have complete knowledge of what is this and what is that.

Prabhupāda: Without bhakti, knowledge is artificial, because knowledge means to accept the Supreme Lord as Supreme. That is knowledge.

(Morning walk-------Bombay).



Female devotee (1): Should we try to go fast in order to get them done, in order to get the rounds done?

Prabhupāda: The first thing is that you should chant without any offense. You see? In the beginning there may be so many offenses, but the chanting will be perfect when you are free from ten kinds of offenses. You can understand those ten kinds of offenses—I have explained several times—from your Godbrothers.

(Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita-------Los Angeles).

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