Puṣṭa-kṛṣṇa: You explained that the active force is the spirit soul, and this is what is causing the body to move about, to eat, develop. If this is the active force, then at what stage are the activities of the soul realized as distinct from the activities of the body?
Prabhupāda: Oh, that is not very difficult. When the soul is gone, there is no activity of the body. Where is the difficulty to understand? So long the soul is there within the body, body is acting. As soon as the soul is out, it is not acting. It is very easy to understand. Is there any difficulty to understand? Why the body was moving one moment before, acting very nicely, but as soon as the soul is gone, it is dead body? That's all. Finished. It is lump of matter. What is the difficulty?
(Arrival address------Mauritius, 1975).
Then, your second question, "If this body is pure soul, then why it gets engaged with worldly matter?" As explained above, the body is not the soul, it gets engaged with worldly matter due to its vitiated consciousness. Just like some of us are thinking that "I am American," or "I am Indian"—it is due to vitiated consciousness. The real consciousness is that I am eternal servant of Krishna. Or, it is just like a madman who thinks to himself that he is king, he is free to do whatever he likes, and talks nonsense; but a sane man laughs at him.
(Letter to Anil Grover--------Los Angeles, 1970).
Bob: If two people are Kṛṣṇa conscious, is their soul the same?
Prabhupāda: Soul is always the same.
Bob: In each person. In each person is it the same?
Prabhupāda: Yes. (break) Soul, as spirit soul, pure soul, they are all equal. Even in animal. Therefore it is said, paṇḍitāḥ sama-darśinaḥ (B.G.5:18), means those who are actually learned, they do not see the outward covering, either human being or animal.
(Talks with Bob Cohen-------Mayapura, 1972).