Hṛdayānanda: (translating) How can we feel the transmigration of the soul?
Prabhupāda: How can you feel you are dreaming in a different land? In the, at night, when you dream, you forget you this all, everything, your father, mother, your home address. You are in a different platform. Again in daytime, you forget your dreaming land; you come to another place. This is transmigration. You create some body and you see differently. This is transmigration. We are... Every day, every night, we are experiencing transmigration, but we have no intelligence to understand. Therefore, tad-vijñānārthaṁ sa gurum evābhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). You have to go to a bona fide guru, and he'll make you understand things.
(Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita-------Mexico, 1975).
Kim: How did the ātman come into being?
Prabhupāda: Ātmā is not coming into being, it is already there. But at the present moment it is accepting different types of bodies. Just like your this dress is available in the market. And you are also there, so you purchase the dress and put on. Similarly, the different types of bodies are already there. You according to your desire accept one type of body, and you appear in that body. There are 8,400,000 different forms of body, and you have to accept one of them. According to desire. According to your work. You are working. Everyone is working. Now, according to the work and association, he is creating his body. Just like if you infect some type of disease, then you'll have to accept that disease. So we are working ways—we are individuals—and according to that work we are creating our next body. If you are working in a godly way, then you'll get your body next as god, and if you are working in a dogly way, then you'll get your body as dog. So, by nature's way, evolution, we come through 800 millions of forms of life, then nature gives us a chance to accept this human form of body. In this body, our consciousness being advanced, if we try we can understand what is the problem of life, why we have accepted birth, death, old age and disease, how to get out of these, how to revive our original nature of body and again become eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. This is the chance of the human body. Therefore you are a philosopher because you are in the human body, but a dog cannot be a philosopher. He may be a very big dog, can bark very loudly, he has got very good strength, can create big disturbance, but he cannot understand philosophy. That is not possible. But a human being can understand. Therefore he should be given chance to understand the philosophy of life. And that is Vedas.
(Room conversation-------Perth, 1975).
Peter: How do you know there's a soul?
Prabhupāda: Because you are speaking. Because you are inquiring, I know the soul. Because you are soul, therefore you are inquiring. As soon as the soul is out of your body, you cannot inquire anymore. Inquiry finished.
(Garden conversation--------Los Angeles, 1975).