
Indian man (1): Prabhupāda, a devotee, very often after chanting why they develop very, very high. I see a lot of devotees, they falls down back to the māyā. What is the reason?

Prabhupāda: He is not devotee. He's pretending to be devotee. One who is devotee never falls down. There are so many false devotees. He falls down.

(Morning walk--------Toronto).



Indian man (4): Śrīla Prabhupāda, you wrote a lot of books, and I'm very much concerned about the books. A lot of devotees, they never read the books, but they're doing the chanting. It will progress them without reading the books, because they're the most important...

Prabhupāda: But suppose one is illiterate, how he'll read? How he'll read if one is illiterate? That means he has no chance? Because he's illiterate? Chanting is sufficient.

(Morning walk--------Toronto).



Rūpānuga: Also they bump one another with the drum or with each other's bodies, they dance and they bump like this. That is not bona fide is it? It is very popular in our movement now.

Prabhupāda: They are inventing. What can I do?

(Room conversation-------Washington, D.C.).



Yaśomatīnandana: ...are higher than any other activities or they are on the same platform? Any activities in Kṛṣṇa consciousness... Is chanting the most exalted or...?

Prabhupāda: Everything is exalted. Therefore there are nine processes. śravaṇam kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ smaraṇaṁ pāda-sevanam, arcanaṁ vandanaṁ dāsyam , so many. They are all exalted.

(Morning walk--------Bombay).



Justin Murphy: Are there not enough people chanting to their God or to the one God?

Prabhupāda: So problems... Suppose if you are... Aborigines, they have God? They have their name of God?

Justin Murphy: Yes, well, they have multiple gods, yes.

Prabhupāda: So if they chant the holy name of God there is no loss. At least there is no loss.

(Room conversation--------Perth).

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