
Regarding your questions: Once prasadam (water, or foodstuffs) is offered to the Lord, His Plate should remain on the altar for about 15-20 minutes (while the portion in the pots may be taken by the devotees). Water need only remain there for a few minutes. Once the prasadam is removed from the altar, and touched by us, it should not again be placed on the altar. Whatever we offer should be as fresh and pure as is possible.

So long we are engaged in the service of the Lord, He has assured us all protection. But if we are attacked, of course we must defend ourselves as best we can. Nobody can compare with the Merciful Nityananda. He can defend Himself quite well; He could have killed the sinners in an instant, but He had decided that He wanted to save these sinners. He was setting an example that we have to preach Krishna Consciousness even at the risk of personal violence. Just like the children sometimes become violent, but the father knows he can defend himself at any time, and so he tries to teach them correctly by reprimanding them.

Yes, it is respectful to circumambulate the temple, keeping your right side to the Deities if possible. You may dance around the temple in this way if you like.

(Extract of letter to Karunamayi--------Los Angeles).



Hari-śauri: Should Kṛṣṇa be dressed very, very opulently like this, Śrīla Prabhupāda?

Prabhupāda: Oh, yes.

(Room conversation--------Vrndavana).



Bhānu: Should the Deities be offered grains for breakfast?

Prabhupāda: No. Grains...Grains only bhoga-ārati and at night... Purī also grain. It is also grain. And during daytime, cāpāṭī, rice, dahl, like that. Breakfast, fruits, milk, sweets, breakfast. And early, maṅgala-ārati, condensed milk. And breakfast, butter, sugar candy, casein. You are calling Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme. You must offer Him nice things. Not a poor man gets like Him. He's the richest man. If a poor man can be supplied so many things, how the rich man should be offered? And as far as possible, distribute prasādam. (break) People should be called.

(Room conversation--------Japan).



So far your question is concerned, should the Jagannatha deity be bathed with water, that is not necessary. They should be washed once in a year, that is sufficient, 15 days before Rathayatra. That is called "sananyatra" ceremony. Otherwise if you bathe, that will damage the wood.

(Extract of letter to Madhumangala--------Hyderabad).



Dhanañjaya: Should we bathe only the small Kṛṣṇa Deity?

Prabhupāda: Yes. (break) ...bathe.

Brahmānanda: How will you bathe?

Dhanañjaya: Well, the ceremony would begin about ten in the evening, and we would bathe with water, ghee, honey, yogurt.

(Morning walk---------Vrndavana).

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