
Jaya-gopāla: Well, I've been told then that we can have no more karmic reactions from our actions.

Prabhupāda: Yes. If you take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, then there is no more reaction of your karma.

(Lecture------Los Angeles).



Bob: My soul is different than your soul?

Prabhupāda: Yes. You are individual soul, I am individual soul.

Bob: But you have removed yourself from karmic influences. If I was to remove myself from karmic influences, would our souls be the same or different?

Prabhupāda: Soul is the same. Just like you are under certain conception of life at the present moment. Just like your these countrymen. They were under certain conception of life. But by training they have taken another conception of life. So the ultimate training is how to become Kṛṣṇa conscious. That is perfection.

Bob: If two people are Kṛṣṇa conscious, is their soul the same?

Prabhupāda: Soul is always the same.

(Talks to Bob Cohen-------Mayapura).



Devotee: If one accepts initiation from a bona fide spiritual master but continues to perform material activities, are they still bound by the karma?

Prabhupāda: He has to do everything under the instruction of the spiritual master. That is his duty. Śiṣya. Śiṣya means who voluntarily accepts disciplinary measures from the spiritual master. He's ruled by the spiritual master.




Prabhupāda: Varieties of the body, according to the mentality.

Bharadvāja: According to karma?

Prabhupāda: Yes, according to karma at the time of death, mind is saturated in that way, and he gets a body, that's all.

(Morning walk--------Los Angeles).

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