Srimad-arca-stavah.PRAYERS TO THE DEITY FORM OF THE LORD.FROM SRI KRSNA LILA STAVA.(1)pāṣāṇa-dhātu-mṛd-dāru-sikatā-maṇi-lekhajāsādā te prātikṛtir acalā vā calā prabho(2)śālagrāma-śilā cātha yatra kutrāpy avasthitāyādṛśī tādṛśī vāpi bhaktair bhaktyābhipūjitā(3)bhavatādhiṣṭhittā sarvā saccidānanda-rūpiṇītvam eva kathayase sadbhis tasmai tubhyaḿ namo namaḥTRANSLATION1) O Krsna, appearing in the forms of stone, metal, clay, wood, sand-drawings; jewels; and pictures, You temporarily or permanently appear in Your deity-incarnation.2) O Krsna, who also appears as the Salagrama-sila, wherever or in whatever form You manifest Yourself, the devotees worship You with great devotion.3) O Krsna, I offer my obeisances to You, whose form is eternal truth, knowledge, and bliss, and confirmed by Your saintly devotees.
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