Srimad-arca-stavah.PRAYERS TO THE DEITY FORM OF THE LORD.FROM SRI KRSNA LILA STAVA.(1)pāṣāṇa-dhātu-mṛd-dāru-sikatā-maṇi-lekhajāsādā te prātikṛtir acalā vā calā prabho(2)śālagrāma-śilā cātha yatra kutrāpy avasthitāyādṛśī tādṛśī vāpi bhaktair bhaktyābhipūjitā(3)bhavatādhiṣṭhittā sarvā saccidānanda-rūpiṇītvam eva kathayase sadbhis tasmai tubhyaḿ namo namaḥTRANSLATION1) O Krsna, appearing in the forms of stone, metal, clay, wood, sand-drawings; jewels; and pictures, You temporarily or permanently appear in Your deity-incarnation.2) O Krsna, who also appears as the Salagrama-sila, wherever or in whatever form You manifest Yourself, the devotees worship You with great devotion.3) O Krsna, I offer my obeisances to You, whose form is eternal truth, knowledge, and bliss, and confirmed by Your saintly devotees.

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     When a devotee completely
     forgets his bodily existence,
     he should be understood to be liberated.
     He is no longer encaged in the body.
    When a coconut becomes completely dry,
     the coconut pulp within the coconut shell
     separates from the bondage of the shell
     and the outer covering.
     By shaking  the dry coconut,
     one can hear that the pulp within
     is no longer attached to the shell
     or to the covering.
     Similarly, when one is fully
     absorbed in devotional service,
     he is completely disconnected
     from the two material coverings,
     the subtle and gross bodies.
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