sri-guru-carana-padma, kebala-bhakati-sadmabando mui sabadhana matejahara prasade bhai, ei bhava toriy a jaikrsna-prapti hoy jaha hateThe lotus feet of the spiritual master are the abode of pure devotional service.I bow down to those lotus feet with great care and attention.My dear brother (my dear mind), it is through the grace of the spiritual masterthat we cross over this material existence and obtain Lord krishna.jugala-carana sebi nirantara ei bhabianurage thakiba sadayasadhane bhabiba jaha siddha-dehe paba taharaga pathera ei sei upayaI will constantly desire to serve the lotus feet of Radha and Krishna with loving attachment.Whatever I contemplate during the practice of devotional service, will certainly be achievedupon perfection in a spiritual body. This is the method on the path of attachment.prarthana kariba sada suddha-bhave prema-kathanama-mantre kariya abhedaastika kariya mana bhaja range sri-caranegranthi-papa habe paricchedaI will always desire to glorify the transcendental topics of Radha and Krishna,considering the holy names and mantras as non-different from Them.I will fix my mind in worshipping the lotus feet of Radha and Krishna.Then the knots of sinful desires within my heart will be undone.
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