

An important word in this verse is mukta-liṅgaḥ. Mukta means "liberated," and liṅga means "the subtle body." When a man dies, he quits the gross body, but the subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego carries him to a new body. While existing in the present body, the same subtle body carries him from one stage of life to another (for example, from childhood to boyhood) by mental development. The mental condition of a baby is different from that of a boy, the mental condition of a boy is different from that of a young man, and the mental condition of a young man is different from that of an old man. So at death the process of changing bodies takes place due to the subtle body; the mind, intelligence and ego carry the soul from one gross body to another. This is called transmigration of the soul. But there is another stage, when one becomes liberated even from the subtle body; at that time the living entity is competent and fully prepared to be transferred to the transcendental or spiritual world.
(Srimad Bhagavatam------4:12:18-------purport).

So anyone who takes shelter of Kṛṣṇa by the words of Kṛṣṇa, believing Him... So... Just like Kṛṣṇa says, mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja. Man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru (B.G.18:65). Kṛṣṇa orders that "You surrender unto Me. You become My devotee. You always think of Me." Man-manā bhava mad-bhaktaḥ (B.G.9:34). "You become My devotee." Mad-yājī. "You worship Me. You offer your obeisances unto Me." Persons who are in poor fund of knowledge, they think, "It is too much. Kṛṣṇa is demanding too much. It is sophistry." No, no. That is not sophistry. That is the real position. Otherwise, without surrendering to Kṛṣṇa, if you think yourself, that you are Kṛṣṇa, that is in illusion, aviśuddha-buddhayaḥ, contaminated intelligence. Aviśuddha-buddhayaḥ. Ye 'nye 'ravindākṣa vimukta-māninas tvayy asta-bhāvād aviśuddha-buddhayaḥ (S.B.10:2:32). Because they cannot understand Kṛṣṇa, so their knowledge is not perfect, or not purified. Knowledge perfect is there in every living entity, but it is contaminated by the contact of māyā. So one who can understand the position of Kṛṣṇa and himself, he's called mukta. Mukta means liberated. Mukti means to know perfectly what is our relationship with Kṛṣṇa. That is called mukti.
(Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita-------2:12-------by Srila Prabhupada).

Mukti means no more material body. That is called mukti. We are now conditioned by this material body. In the material world, we are changing one body after another, but there is no mukti. There is no liberation. Mukti is... Simply by changing body, we are not mukta. Mukta means we change this body not to accept any more material body, but we remain in our own spiritual body. Just like if you are diseased, you are suffering from fever, so when there is no more fever, but you remain in your original healthy body, that is called mukti. It is not that mukti means to become formless. No. The same example: You are suffering from fever. To become free from fever does not mean that you become formless. Why I shall become formless? My form is there, but my form is no more disturbed by the fever, feverish condition. That is called mukti. Roga-mukta, free from disease. Therefore it is called muktvā kalevaram. Just like the snake. They sometimes give up the outer covering of the body.
(Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita-------8:1-------by Srila Prabhupada).

Even those who are liberated from this material contamination, they are called mukta-jīva, liberated soul. And there are nitya-mukta. Nitya-mukta and nitya-baddha. Nitya means eternally, and mukta means liberated. And again, nitya, eternally, baddha, conditioned. So just like there are many persons in the state who have never seen what is the prison life, and there are many persons in the state, the majority of one's life is passed in the prison. Similarly, there are two nature, material nature and the spiritual nature. What we are seeing, this nature, this universe, within the material nature... Similarly, there is another spiritual nature. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gītā, paras tasmāt tu bhāvo 'nyo 'vyakto 'vyaktāt sanātanaḥ (B.G.8:20).
(Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita-------9:2-------by Srila Prabhupada).

As Kṛṣṇa is pūrṇa, perfect, complete, śuddha, without any material contamination. Pūrṇaḥ śuddho nitya, eternal. Pūrṇaḥ śuddho nitya-muktaḥ. Mukta means not of this material world. Mukti means anything which does not belong to, in this material world. That is called mukti. So the holy name, chanting of holy name, if we act it properly, without any offense, then we are directly in connection with Kṛṣṇa. There is no doubt. Pūrṇaḥ śuddho nitya-mukto 'bhinnatvān nāma-nāminoḥ.
(Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam-------1:7:19-------by Srila Prabhupada).

So actually who has associated with sādhu, he cannot make any more association with asādhu. Therefore it is said that sat-saṅgān mukta-duḥsaṅgaḥ. Mukta-duḥsaṅga. Mukta means completely liberated. Such person, hātuṁ notsahate budhaḥ, such person cannot give up the chanting of the holy name of the Lord. Kīrtyamānam. He may try to go away, but he'll not be happy. He'll not be happy. We have seen practically. Some of our boys who have left, they come occasionally. Even he protests externally, internally he understands that he has committed a mistake by associating. Kīrtyamānam. Kīrtyamānaṁ yaśo yasya sakṛd ākarṇya rocanam. The saṅkīrtana, chanting of this holy name, is so pleasing that one cannot avoid it if once he has associated with devotees. This is the position.
(Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam-------1:10:11-12-------by Srila Prabhupada).

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