

THE MEANING OF THE HARE KRISHNA MAHA MANTRABY Shrila Bhaktivinode Thakura.HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HAREHARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE.Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra will give one full benefit ifone knows and understands the meanings. The meanings ofthe Hare Krishna mantra varies according to the differentlevels of spiritual consciousness.HARE - Oh Hari, please attract my mind and free me fromthis material world.KRISHNA - Oh Krishna, please attract my mind by pulling it to You.HARE - Oh Hari, please attract my heart by showingYour unsurpassed sweetness.KRISHNA - Oh Krishna, please purify my mind with knowledgeof bhakti given to me by Your own devotees.KRISHNA - Oh Krishna, please give me firm faith in Your name,form, qualities and pastimes.KRISHNA - Oh Krishna, may I develop a taste for serving You.HARE - Oh Hari, please make me qualified for Your service.HARE - Oh Hari, please instruct me how to serve You properly.HARE - Oh Hari, please let me hear of Your intimate pastimeswith Your cherished devotees.RAMA - Oh Radhika-Ramana, please let me me hear of Yourconfidential pastimes in Vraja with Your beloved Radhika.HARE - Oh Radhika, please reveal to me Your favourite pastimeswith Your beloved Shyamasundara.RAMA - Oh Radhika-Ramana, please reveal to me Your splendidpastimes with Your beloved Radhika.RAMA - Oh Radhika-Ramana, please engage me in rememberingYour name, form, qualities and pastimes.RAMA - Oh Radhika-Ramana, please make me qualified forYour eternal service.HARE - Oh Hari, having accepted me as one of Your own servants,enjoy me as You please.HARE - Oh Hari, please perform Your transcendental pastimeswith me. This is my humble prayer at Your lotus feet.

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