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PURE BHAKTI. part 6.

2525259896?profile=originalkṛtam ekatareṇāpidam-patyor ubhayor apipatnyāḿ kuryād anarhāyāḿpatir etat samāhitaḥBetween the husband and wife, one person is sufficient to execute this devotional service. Because of their good relationship, both of them will enjoy the result. Ther

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PURE BHAKTI. part 8.

2525258066?profile=originalbhogaiśvarya-prasaktānāḿtayāpahṛta-cetasāmvyavasāyātmikā buddhiḥsamādhau na vidhīyateIn the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence, and who are bewildered by such things, the resolute determination for devotional

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PURE BHAKTI. part 7.

2525257947?profile=originalbhaktiḥ pareśānubhavo viraktiranyatra caiṣa trika eka-kālaḥprapadyamānasya yathāśnataḥ syustuṣṭiḥ puṣṭiḥ kṣud-apāyo 'nu-ghāsamDevotion, direct experience of the Supreme Lord, and detachment from other things — these three occur simultaneously for one

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2525258138?profile=originalkecit kevalayā bhaktyāvāsudeva-parāyaṇāḥaghaḿ dhunvanti kārtsnyenanīhāram iva bhāskaraḥOnly a rare person who has adopted complete, unalloyed devotional service to Kṛṣṇa can uproot the weeds of sinful actions with no possibility that they will revive

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PURE BHAKTI. part 9.

2525257963?profile=originalmahātmānas tu māḿ pārthadaivīḿ prakṛtim āśritāḥbhajanty ananya-manasojñātvā bhūtādim avyayamO son of Pṛthā, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in devotional service becaus

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