
  • Volunteer
    Pranam My Dearest Charan Prabhu. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of Godhead Lord Krishna. May Lord Krishna
    sustain your life as you relish the nectar of
    meditating on His lotus feet, with your palms
    prayerfully joined, your head bowed down, your
    bodily hair standing in jubilation, your voice
    choked with emotion, and your eyes filled with
    tears. May Lord Krishna bless you with His most 
    cherished boon - birth after birth, may He let you 
    render devotional service unto His Lotus feet.
    Thank you very much for your  educational, 
    enlightening and illuminating lectures.
    I love all your videos. 
    With love and best wishes, take care, bye.
    Radhe Radhe.
  • Volunteer

  • Volunteer

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