Hare Krishna. This is an opportunity for all the beginners in Krishna Consciousness to unload all the questions, queries, opinions and thoughts. A group of all the amateur but serious devotees

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  • Volunteer
    Pranam Dearest Devotee. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of  Godhead, Lord Krishna. I offer my respectful
    obeisances unto Him. Worry is not a good influence on
    your behaviour. Worry, being a negative emotion, will
    leave you  if you stop being negative and fill your mind
    with positive thoughts and good feelings. You have to
    control your worry, otherwise, your worry will control
    you.  It is not advisable to worry about things which
    may never happen. You will  not get  anything good
    through worry. It is not worth it to worry about tomorrow. 
    Tomorrow has not come yet. And it is a waste of energy
    to worry about what happened yesterday or some other
    time in the past. The past is gone.  With love and best
    wishes, take care, bye. Radhe Radhe.
  • Volunteer
    Pranam Dearest Devotee. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of  Godhead, Lord Krishna. I offer my respectful
    obeisances unto Him. Worry comes from the mind
    when you identify with the mind. Then the mind uses
    you. It plays games with you. It blocks your vision. You
    cannot see things clearly and rightly. It blocks your
    judgement. It blocks your relationships.  When you are
    about to worry, bring Lord Krishna to your remembrance.
    The remembrance of Lord Krishna is the greatest thing in
    life. Lord Krishna bless you with life today.  Live today.
    Think about today. Yes, make preparations for tomorrow,
    but do not worry about tomorrow. Put your trust in Lord
    Krishna.  Depend upon Him.  Have confidence in Him. 
    Surrender yourself unto Him. Take Lord Krishna as your
    shelter. Have faith in Lord Krishna. Do your best today
    and leave the rest to Lord Krishna.  With love and best
    wishes, take care, bye. Radhe Radhe.
  • Volunteer
    Pranam Dearest Devotee. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of  Godhead, Lord Krishna. I offer my respectful
    obeisances unto Him. To worry about something
    is to picture an undesirable outcome very clearly
    in your imagination. To keep dwelling on the end
    result, to keep thinking about it, picturing it to
    yourself, playing it over and over again that it
    might happen, will generate the negative emotions
    of fear, anxiety, disappointments and discouragement.
    STOP. What about if you picture a desirable outcome,
    then you will generate positive emotions, like courage,
    serenity, satisfaction and enthusiasm. With love and
    best wishes, take care, bye. Radhe Radhe.
  • Volunteer


  • Volunteer
    Pranam Dearest Devotee. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of  Godhead  Lord  Krishna, the God of Gods;
    Lord of Lords; King of Kings; God of love; the
    God of Endless, Infinite, Unconditional love; 
    the Embodiment of Loving and Boundless mercy.
    Everything in the universe is in His Hands. I offer
    my respectful obeisances unto Him.Through hearing,
    you begin bhakti. From being in  bondage, you become
    a seeker. Through hearing, you carry out your spiritual
    practices. Through hearing, the nine processes of bhakti
    are understood. Through hearing, bad habits and bad
    manners are changed. Through hearing, you rid yourself
    of bad company.  Through hearing, your thinking becomes
    clear. As you have to eat again and again in your daily life,
    so also you engage in hearing again and again. Through
    hearing, your intellect becomes firm. With love and best
    wishes, take care, bye. Radhe Radhe.
  • Volunteer
    Pranam Dearest Devotee. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of  Godhead  Lord  Krishna, the God of Gods;
    Lord of Lords; King of Kings; God of love; the
    God of Endless, Infinite, Unconditional love; 
    the Embodiment of Loving and Boundless mercy.
    Everything in the universe is in His Hands. I offer
    my respectful obeisances unto Him.Through hearing,
    you will begin to reflect on your life, and you will
    attain inner contentment. Through hearing,
    detachment arises within you. Through hearing,
    attachment to sensual  pleasures are cut.  Through
    hearing,  pride is broken. Through hearing, the sense
    of  "I" and  "mine" is broken. Through hearing, your
    doubts  are  cleared. Through hearing, your 
    misunderstanding is dispelled. Through hearing,
    one gains conviction. Through hearing, your mind
    becomes controlled. Through hearing, you  become
    aware  that  you are  more  than  this  material body.
    With love and best wishes, take care, bye. Radhe Radhe.
  • Volunteer
    Pranam Dearest Devotee. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of  Godhead  Lord  Krishna, the God of Gods;
    Lord of Lords; King of Kings; God of love; the
    God of Endless, Infinite, Unconditional love; 
    the Embodiment of Loving and Boundless mercy.
    Everything in the universe is in His Hands. I offer
    my respectful obeisances unto Him.Through hearing,
    your understanding increases. Through hearing, your
    intelligence becomes developed. Through hearing, you
    become strong to turn away from worldly entanglements.
    Through hearing,your fascination with material objects
    are no more. Through hearing, you become strong in
    knowledge. Through hearing, you will be free from the
    miseries of material existence. Through hearing, there will
    arise in you a weariness with material pursuits. Though
    hearing, you become inspired and you become committed
    to regular spiritual practises. Through hearing, you attain
    peace. With love and best wishes, take care, bye.
    Radhe Radhe.
  • hare krsna who is this picture Shri Radhe or Another ?

  • Volunteer


  • Volunteer
    Pranam Dearest Devotee. Hare Krishna.
    May you receive transcendental blessings,
    grace and mercy from the Supreme Personality
    of  Godhead, Lord Krishna. I offer my respectful
    obeisances unto Him. It is wise to forgive people,
    to accept them just as they are, rather than to speak
    harmfully about them. How would you feel if you knew
    that someone was judging you unfairly without knowing
    the "real" you, or thinking angry thoughts about you
    because of something you have said or done. Every person
    you have interacted with might be a good father or mother,
    or son or daughter, or husband or wife or friend, and is
    dearly loved by someone, just as you are. The way you have
    experienced them is not who they really are. It is just how
    you have experienced them. You may never know the real
    reason why they behaved that way at that time. So be fair
    to people. What you give out comes back to you in one form
    or another in life.  With love and best wishes, take care, bye.
    Radhe Radhe.
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Q. WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF PROPER TRAINING AND INITIATION FROM THE BONA FIDE ACHARYA ?‏http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/group/krishnaconsciousness/forum/to...-----Q. WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF SPIRITUAL INITIATION ?‏http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/group/krishnaconsciousness/forum/to...-----Q. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER INITIATION ?‏http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/group/krishnaconsciousness/forum/to...-----

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Q. WHAT IS THE AIM OF LIFE ?‏http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/group/krishnaconsciousness/forum/to...-----Q. HOW CAN ONE ATTAIN ETERNAL LIFE ?‏http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/group/krishnaconsciousness/forum/to...----Q. WHAT IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF LIFE ?‏http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/group/krishnaconsciousness/forum/to...-----

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