Pranam Dearest Devotee. Hare Krishna.
May you be blessed with full surrender at the Lotus
Feet of the God of Gods, the Supreme Absolute Truth, the
Original Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
Lord Krishna, Who is the Source of all spiritual and material
worlds. Everything emanates from Him. The wise who
perfectly know this engage in His devotional service and
worship Him with all their hearts. The thoughts of His pure
devotees dwell in Him, their lives are fully devoted to His
service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from
always enlightening one another and conversing about Him.
To those who are constantly devoted to serving Him with love,
He gives the understanding by which they can come to Him.
To show them special mercy, Lord Krishna, dwelling in their
hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the
darkness of ignorance. Those who fix their mind on His
personal form and are always engaged in worshipping Him
with great and transcendental faith are considered by Him to
be most perfect. Those who worship Him, giving up all their
activities unto Him, and being devoted to Him without
deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditates
on Him, having fixed their minds on Him, will be delivered
from the ocean of birth and death by Lord Krishna. With love
and best wishes, take care, bye. Radhe Radhe.
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