Total of 8+10+5+19 (18 Mystic Powers has mention in Bhagavatam+24(5 +19) are considered inferior and minor they are automatically present in the ten and all the 10 secondary siddhis are present in the Asta Siddhis) siddhis + 9 types of wealth.
Asta Siddhi and Nava Niddhi are the by Products of Bhakti or Suddha Nama
The Ashta Siddhi (eight siddhis) in Hinduism are as mentioned below :
- padma (lake in Himalaya with minerals and jewels)
- mahapadma (lake double the size of padma in Himalaya with minerals and jewels)
- makara (Synonym of Padmini, black antimony)
- nila (Antimony)
- mukunda (cinnabar, or quicksilver)
- kunda (arsenic)
- kharva (cups or vessels baked in fire)
- kachchhapa (tortoise or turtle shell)
- sankha (conch shell)
- anūrmi-mattvam: Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily disturbances
- dūra-śravaṇa: Hearing things far away
- dūra-darśanam: Seeing things far away
- manaḥ-javah: Moving the body wherever thought goes (teleportation)
- kāma-rūpam: Assuming any form desired
- para-kāya praveśanam: Entering the bodies of others
- sva-chanda mṛtyuh: Dying when one desires
- devānām saha krīḍā anudarśanam: Witnessing and participating in the pastimes of the gods
- yathā sańkalpa saḿsiddhiḥ: Perfect accomplishment of one’s determination
- ājñā apratihatā gatiḥ: Orders or commands being unimpeded
The 5 Inferior Siddhis of Smaranam
- tri-kāla-jñatvam: knowing the past, present and future
- advandvam: tolerance of heat, cold and other dualities
- para citta ādi abhijñatā: knowing the minds of others and so on
- agni arka ambu viṣa ādīnām pratiṣṭambhaḥ: checking the influence of fire, sun, water, poison, and so on
- aparājayah: remaining unconquered by others
(2) Knowledge of one’s past lives.
(3) Knowledge of the nature of other peoples minds.
(4) The ability to make one’s body invisible.
(5) The ability to make the sounds of one’s body unhearable.
(6) The ability to make everyone happy and joyful.
(7) The ability to possess great strength.
(8) The ability to locate hidden things.
(9) The knowledge of the fourteen planetary systems.
(10) The knowledge of the arrangements of stars.
(11) The knowledge of the movement of stars.
(12) The knowledge of bodily anatomy.
(13) The ability to remain motionless.
(14) The ability to perceive the celestial beings known as Siddh.
(15) The understanding of consciousness.
(16) The knowledge of the soul.
(17) The ability to walk on water, thorns and similar objects.
(18) The ability to surround oneself with a blaze of light.
(19) The ability to be omnipotent and omniscient.
With no other qualifications
other than Cheating the names of
Haray Krishna & Rama! ?