BHAKTA AMBARISHA STORY                

(Origin from of sacred text of  “Ambarishopakhyanam” of Shrimad Bhagavatam in the 9th Skanda which was narrated by Vyasa Mahamuni.)

Durvasha created demon 'Krucha"

Ambarisha’s story is very unique and special in itself. One can say that there has never been an incident either in the past or in the present that is even very close to this incident where one person with the power of his steadfast devotion to the Lord has escaped a curse from any Brahma Rishi. Brahma Rishi is not any ordinary person, he is one who has succeeded over his physical and psychological worldly limitations and attained salvation while alive with his endless meditational power. A word uttered by a Brahma Rishi is truth every bit and is unchangeable. That is why they never much talk at all. When such Brahma Rishi, if at all happens to curse anyone, then, that cursed person, let him be a human, God, an angel or demon cannot ever escape it at all. But this Ambarisha story proves yet again that stead fast devotion to the Lord and by completely surrendering to His Divine feet, one can escape any calamity, even if it be predestined or a curse from even a Brahma-Rishi.

Ambarisha was the son of a great King Nabhaga. Ambarish was a great devotee of Lord Sriman Narayana and though he was a great king possessing of immense Power, wealth and fame, all these did not give him that pleasure which he derived from his constant remembrance of the Lord Sriman Narayana. From his young age Ambarisha was an ardent devotee of Lord Narayana. In all his waking hours and while sleeping, while discharging his duties and at all time he was constantly connected to the Lord mentally. In his immense devotion and pure love to the Lord, he saw Lord Sri Hari in every one and hence always treated all with much respect, love and care. King Ambarisha has complete control over all his senses. In spite of his immense wealth, power he never was rude or arrogant ever in his action, word or deed. He always was engrossed in Lord Sri Hari and no negative thought ever dared to step in to his heart. He tasted Sri Hari while eating, He smelled Sri Hari while breathing, and He heard Sri Hari while hearing and He said Sri Hari while Speaking. His mind and body were ever enrapt in the Lord Sri Hari.
King Ambarisha along with his wife, at one time has decided to do the most powerful and sacred ‘Dwadashi Vratam’ (Also, known as ‘Ekadashi Vratam’ in some parts).

This Dwadashi Vratam is done by rigorous and complete fasting which starts from the evening of Dashami Day (10th day from the new moon day of the Vydic Calendar) and will continue on the complete Ekadshi Day(11th day from the new moon day of the Vydic Calendar). This fasting is done and is imposed on the self so that the person who is doing this Dwadashi Vratam will be relieved from some sins incurred from the past births, by subjecting oneself to deliberate fasting. This fasting will be then broken on the next day, that is on Dwadashi Day (12th day from the new moon day of the Vydic Calendar) by having lunch immediately after regular Pooja (Nitya Anushtanam). This is known as ‘Parana’. This ‘Parana’ must be completed within the time period of “Dwadashi Tithi” for this Vrata to be completed successfully. This is very important.

Ambarisha and his equally devoted wife, decided to do this Dwadashi Vratam for a whole year. With the permission and blessings of their Kulaguru (Family Head Priest) Vashishta Mahamuni, they both, with much devotion and sincerity observed Dwadashi vrata for one whole year.

As this was going on, Lord Sri Hari who was much pleased with their devotion was alerted. As Lord Sri Hari was aware of past, present and the future, He knew that a very big danger in the form of Brahma Rishi Durvasa was fast approaching his dear devotee Ambarisha. Lord Sri Hari was very vigilant and was wondering as to how to save his dear devotee from this calamity as the danger was not an ordinary one. Danger was coming in the form of a Brahma Rishi, not any evil force or demon, whom Lord Sri Hari could have very easily destroyed. But this was a Brahma Rishi, who was also His own devotee and a Brahman too (Brahmans are the highest class among the humans as per the “Chatur Varna Ashrama” in Hinduism, hence Brahmans were and are much respected due to their spiritual knowledge and meditational powers and looked upon with reverence). So it was a very strange predicament for the Lord Sriman Narayana, as to whom to choose and how to save one against the other. Both were equally good, pious, sincere and devoted. So as the time for the completion of the Dwadashi vrata was fast approaching, His anxiety for Bhakta Ambarisha grew more and He decided to send His Divine Weapon ‘Sri Sudarshana Chakra’ to Ambarisha’s palace to protect Ambarisha. Sudarshana was instructed by lord Sri Hari that come what may, Sudarshana at all time must protect King Ambarisha from any and all kinds of dangers  and destroy the danger’ s source itself to the very root. With this order from the Lord Sir Sudarshana was guarding King Ambarisha with all his might.

In the month of karthika when the vrata was about to be completed, Ambarisha & his wife took a holy dip in the Sacred River Yamuna (also known as Kalindi) and as usual worshipped Lord Hari in Madhuvana. Then they gave huge ‘Dana’ (Donation) of beautiful cows with calves in huge numbers. Also donated many clothes, gold ornaments after giving many tasty foods to the Brahmins and when they were satisfied thus and blessed by them, with their permission was about to end his vrata by taking remaining leftover food as the “Bhookta Sesham” as prasada (Sacred offering from the Vrata/Yagya/Homa/Pooja). Just then at that time Brahma Rishi Duravasa entered there with his disciples.  Brahma Rishi Duravasa was very famous for his short temperament.

King Ambarisha proceeded forward with all due formalities and welcomed and honored Rishi honoring Durvasa & his disciples and requested them humbly to join the feast. Rishi Durvasa then replied that he along with his disciples would first go and take bath in river Yamuna and then join the feast. Rishi Durvasa was taking a bath in the Yamuna. Cold water waves gave him a soothing feeling and then he was immersed in deep meditation in the river and forgot all about the Ambarisha’s Dwadashi Vratam completely. Time was passing off. Rishi Durvasa was in deep meditation and cannot be disturbed now.  As the Dwadashi hours were soon coming to an end, King Ambarisha was in a dilemma and called upon all of his cabinet minister and royal advisors and Royal Priests asking for an advice.

All were stuck in a strange predicament of quadruple dilemma. 1. As per Dharma, the guest should not eat anything before the host, especially in a sacred situation and a feast like this one. 2. A person cannot be disturbed when in meditation, no matter how urgent the situation may be. 3. ‘Dwadashi Parana’ must be done before the sacred hours of Dwadashi are over – that is the person who is in Vrata deeksha must finish his eating before the time to complete this Vrata. 4. If such a huge Vrata, when not been completed successfully will bring upon the entire kingdom major catastrophes. Hence they have to do something in such a way that the Vrata must be completed in time without fail and without disturbing Rishi Durvasa’s meditation or without upsetting him.

They all referred many sacred texts and read many Dharma Shastras, discussed among themselves and unanimously agreed and told the King Ambarisha that he could take some water orally. Water being consumed would complete the Dwadashi Vrata at the same time as it is not considered as food they thought that Rishi Durvasa would not mind. King Ambarisha obliged and drank 3 spoonfuls of water to keep up the Vrata.

In the mean while Rishi Durvasa returned with all of his disciples eagerly. The feast was served to them. Just when Rishi Durvasa, who was very hungry at that time, was about to start his meals, he saw with his ‘Divya Drishti” (Divine vision gained from meditational powers, which can be used to look in to past, present & future), that King Ambarisha has taken 3 teaspoonfuls of water. This instantly enraged the Rishi, who was infuriated very much as he considered this act of King Ambarisha as a great sacrilege.
King Ambarisha pleaded guilty and very humbly asked for forgiveness. King Ambarisha also in a very humble tone said to the Rishi all that happened and said had he known that this simple act to save them from breaking the Dwadashi Vrata would upset the Rishi so much, that he would not have done it even if it meant to breaking of the sacred Vow. But Durvasa was not satisfied with this explanation and Rishi Durvasa plucked out a strand of his hair lock and knocked it on the ground recited some Mantras and created a demon called “Krucha” from it to kill Ambarisha by tearing him in to pieces thus inflicting upon him a very painful and slow but sure death.

The queen, ministers, courters, jesters, priests and all the other guests were shocked and were aghast and did not know what to do. All were fear stricken and were so worried to see that such a big calamity has befallen on such an honest and best devoted King, who started this whole thing with much piety and did everything so religiously. But the King Ambarish was not at all perturbed and sat with folded hands meditating on the Lord Sri Hari.

As the ferocious, ugly and scary looking Krucha proceeded towards the King Ambarisha, Sri Sudarshana chakra, who was quietly guarding Ambarisha as per his Lord Sriman Narayana’s orders, immediately jumped up and with extreme swift, speed and might shred the evil Krucha demon in to bits & pieces in an instant and immediately started following Rishi Durvasa to kill him also as he was the creator of this danger for King Ambarisha.

Rishi Durvasa started running for his life and Sudarshana followed him. Rishi Durvasa ran and ran to many worlds seeking shelter from the Devas (Gods) including King of Gods – Indra, Creator – God Brahma and Jagat Pita – Lord Shiva. As Durvasa had the power to be able to go in to all the worlds with his supernatural meditational powers. All have refused to help him as he had committed a sin against a devotee of Lord Sri Hari. One may wonder as to why the Sudarshana should follow the Rishi instead of killing him in a single shot. But that was Sudarshana Chakra – The mighty weapon in the Lord Sriman Narayana’s right hand. It always adheres to Dharma and will never go against Dharma. Dharma says that one should not be attacked from behind or when one is showing his back and running off for his life. Hence Sri Sudarshana was following Rishi Durvasa.

Rishi Durvasa chased by Sudarshana Chakra

At last, went to Rishi Durvasa went and fell down at Lord Hari feet and asked Lord of the Lords to protect him from Sudarshana. But the Lord said that He was a ‘Bhaktha paraadheena’ and was completely bound under the power of His devotes affection. Lord Hari said to Durvasa that now only King Ambarisha can save Durvasa from the mighty Sudarshana. Lord Narayana asked Durvasa to resort to Ambarisha and ask his forgiveness.

Rushi Durvasa at last went to Amabrisha and fell at his feet and asked King Ambarisha to save his life from Sudarshana. Amabrisha was still the same humble devote and was very sad & upset to learn that a great Rishi had to undergo so much pain and fear. Ambarisha felt very bad that such a highly respected Rishi had fallen at his feet. Ambarisha prayed with folded hands said that and if Lord Sri Hari was pleased with his devotion then this Rishi should be free from fear of Sudarshana. Sudarshana was pacified and left to Vaikuntha to Lord Sri Hari.

Rishi Durvasa forgiven by Ambarisha

Durvasa thanked him from the bottom of his heart. Durvasa praised Ambarisha and went away after accepting the food from him.

The King Ambarisha, who an ardent devotee of Lord Sri Hari was tested for his Bhakthi and passed this test for his Bhakthi  Marga with flying colors. Thus this King Ambarisha became an immortal and his entire clan was also blessed. He, who reads, hears or says this story on Ekadashi, Dwadashi days will please Lord Sriman Narayana and will be relieved from all kinds of fears, dangers, and calamities and attain peace, prosperity and wealth. More important, they will become great devotees of the Lord and will be under his Divine protection always. This is the Power of Devotion and speciality of Ekadashi day fasting.

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