Japa Mala - chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra |
"Nish, nish, ram, ram, nish, nish, ram, ram." Srila Prabhupada once imitated how we sometimes chant without focus, without concentration, without proper pronunciation - how we chant when we don't feel like chanting. You know the mood behind this type of chanting; "I have to chant but I'd rather be doing something else." And in our minds we are thinking, "I can't wait to get these rounds out of the way, when shall I be finnished." We all do this. And it can get pretty bad. I know devotees who chant rounds while watching football games on TV. Srila Prabhupada explained that this type of chanting is more or less useless because it will not produce the desired result, love of Krishna. To even call this chanting is a stretch. It is closer to a ritual. But Prabhupada acknowledged the value in the ritual by saying that although this kind of chanting is not very productive, at least those who are chanting this way are keeping their vow to chant. I call this kind of japa, "courtesy japa." "Courtesy japa" means that since you have taken a vow - either to your spiritual master or yourself - to chant a certain number of rounds daily, you keep that vow while chanting the kind of japa I described above. Here are a few other examples (methods) of what I call "courtesy japa:"
Note, these are all excellent ways to ruin your japa and thus put your Krishna conscious transmission in park. You can make incredible advancement during japa. Good japa is like flying down the highway in fourth gear. Good japa produces inspiration, realization, detachment, increased desire to serve, attraction to study scripture, and an ability to see maya's workings more clearly. And there are so many more gifts good japa delivers. Yet we deprive ourselves of these gifts when we chant "courtesy japa." THE NEW MANTRA IS "DOWN WITH 'COURTESY JAPA'. "Courtesy japa" is like shooting a gun with blank bullets. When the trigger is pulled it just sounds like a bullet is being fired. Obviously you can't win a battle firing blanks. Similarly, "courtesy japa" sounds like the Hare Krishna maha mantra but it is just an artificial sound, a shadow of the real thing. Certainly you can't win the battle with maya firing blank mantras. The problem is - and this is something we have to accept philosophically as well as practically - if you keep practicing to chant the wrong way, you'll continue to get wrong results. What's more is that bad chanting tends to produce more bad chanting. Let me say that in another way because this is really important. The more you practice the wrong way of doing something, the more it gets engrained/programmed within you and the harder it usually becomes to fix it later. THUS IT DOESN'T NECESSARILY FOLLOW THAT THE LONGER YOU CHANT Do you have a severe case of "courtesy japaitis" programmed into you? If so, ask yourself how you are going to kick the bad habit. This is an important question to answer, because good japa is one of the pillars of success in spiritual life. It's all about fighting apathy in our japa. As Lord Caitanya said, playing the part of a conditioned soul, "I am so unfortunate that I have no attraction for chanting Your Holy Names." So we have two choices during japa. One is to go with the flow and just let the mind wander. The other is to go against the flow and make a valiant effort to focus on the holy name and chant in a prayerful, devotional mood. That's not so easy. It takes effort. It goes against everything "courtesy japa" stands for. And this is not much fun for lazy japa chanters like most of us. After all, concentrating is hard work. Japa can be a creative time. Often when I chant I get all kinds of ideas. Also the many things I have to do in the day - and even creative ways of doing them - keep popping up in my mind (or should I say keep pooping in my mind). Don't dwell on these. If they come up, either neglect them (those good ideas will most likely come up later) or stop chanting and write them down so you don't have to think about them while you chant. How will you break the habit of "courtesy japa?" Krishna is in your heart and He will help you as much as you want to be helped. Krishna says from Me alone come knowledge, remembrance and forgetfulness. So He will show you how to become a master of japa or a master of "courtesy japa." It all depends on what you want. If you want to improve, He will show you when to chant (hint - early in the morning), where to chant (hint - where you are not distracted), how to chant (hint - in front of devotional pictures, tulasi, Deities, etc, not in front of a television or a non Krishna conscious magazine). So here's the exercise. Write on top of a piece of paper, How To Improve My Japa? Below that write the subtitle, Putting an end to "courtesy japa." Then make your list. Let's put an end once and for all to "courtesy japa," the great enemy of Krishna consciousness. Japa Mala - Chanting the holy name The Holy Name is the Most Valuable Possession I Have Bad Chanting Becomes the Norm After chanting bad japa for extended periods of time, bad chanting starts to become my default setting. I then believe that due to the circumstances I am in this is the best I can do. Bad chanting thus reinforces itself with more bad chanting. And since bad chanting produces little or no nectar or realization, becoming Krishna conscious becomes more of a pie in the sky ideal than a possible reality. Chanting thus becomes totally a matter of duty and can easily become automatic, heartless, and robotic. Bad chanting reinforces the belief that my chanting can't or won't get much better. The real problem is that I believe this and I am ok with this. Killing Some Time While Chanting Give It All I Got My daughter is learning to play violin and to inspire her we watched a virtuoso eleven year old violinist on You Tube. This eleven year old was so good we couldn't believe it. As I watched in disbelief I thought, "If I took my japa as seriously as this kid takes her violin, I would be completely Krishna conscious by now. The reality is that if I only give 50% of my energy to my japa, then 50% is going somewhere else. If I want to properly chant and hear the holy names and reap the results that the holy name can offer, I need to give all my energy to my japa (both physical and mental). If I really value my relationship with Krishna, I will do this. And doing this shows Krishna how important that relationship is to me. I Have No Time to Chant The Mind is Like a Loud Truck The Acarya of Multi-Tasking Japa Although that sounds far fetched, I am like that robot. I have chanted Hare Krishna for so many years that I can do it my sleep, I can do it while driving, I can even do it while reading. I can do it while shopping, talking, sight seeing - you name it and I can do it and chant simultaneously. I am the acarya of multi-tasking japa. Chanting is so programmed into my cells that I can do it without even thinking about it. Someone might say, "Well that's good." No, it's horrible because I can do it without even being aware that I am doing it, what to speak of being aware that I am associating with Radha and Krishna. It's like someone shot Novocain in my heart and my heart has become numb and thus I am not feeling a thing while I chant.. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said the name is not lip deep, it is heart deep. Chanting is Boring Give Yourself A Gift Does the Holy Name Really Work? It's All About a Relationship Watering the Weeds Japa First Become Conscious, Then Become Krishna Conscious What I Do Today Affects My Chanting Tomorrow All I Want Talks With Dad Krishna Enchants Me Bad chanting is unacceptable to me. I now have set the bar higher and when I go below the acceptable level, red flags go off in my mind. Poor chanting is not making me Krishna conscious, so I reject it. The consequences of poor chanting are so undesirable that simply being aware of those consequences gets me back on track. I have accepted unacceptable japa too often-and that's simply not acceptable any longer. If it is acceptable to me it means I am satisfied with poor chanting and not overly concerned about doing anything to improve. And if I am not concerned about improving my japa, it won't get better on its own. Good Chanting Produces More Good Chanting
Offer a prayer to the holy name that describes your aspirations to best serve the holy name, to go deeper into your relationship with the holy name. In order to help you with this exercise, I am including a prayer I wrote at the end of one of the Japa retreats. My Dear Holy Name, Please allow me to taste Your nectar, to fully experience Your presence, to feel joy and enthusiasm when I meet You. Please allow me to become attracted to You, to always hanker for your association, and to never become tired of spending time with you. And please reveal how You are non-different from your form, qualities and pastimes-how You are fully present in your name. I pray that someday I will have as much attraction to chanting Your name as I now have for material things. And I pray that this attraction will be such that others want to chant and relish Your name just by being in my presence. * Please allow me to feel affection for You when I chant Your name. For more information on japa Retreats (five days) and Workshops (weekends), the dates for upcoming events, or how to bring a retreat or workshop to your area, please contact me at mahat@aol.com. The 4 step japa mala technique I had the chance to attend a japa retreat held in upstate New York last spring. It was one of the first retreats to be held in North America as part of an initiative from Iskcon's SSPT. One thing I learned was a method of japa that originates from Bhurijana Prabhu. Yajna Purusha Prabhu, one of the instructors at the retreat, taught us the method. I have found this to be the best instruction I have come across to date in japa..and for that matter Krishna consciousness. Step 1--Make a sankalpa to hear ONE mantra. A sankalpa is a resolution or determination to do something. So the 1st step is to tell the mind to resolve to just hear one hare krishna maha mantra. The idea is that it is a doable request. If we tell the mind to hear 16 rounds of mantra, or even 1 round....the mind is to powerful to heed such a big request. But if we tell the mind "Just hear this one mantra..." we have it in our power to force the mind to comply to at least this small request. If the mind is really going wild and it wont even heed this small request, make a resolution to hear one half of a mantra. So request the mind to hear one (or a half) of the maha mantra...and that means to hear EVERY word in that mantra with no distraction. Once this has been completed (the hearing of one whole mantra, hearing every word of the mantra), repeat. Again tell the mind "hear just one mantra". Hear every word. Once this is done, repeat. Eventually the mind will succumb and it will hear one mantra after another. The mind will get absorbed in the sound vibration of the holy name. Step 2. Neglect the mind As the mind starts to become absorbed in the sound of the holy name, it will periodically rebel and try to drift to some other topic. So you must now neglect the attempts of the mind to deviate from the task of japa. It is like a child who wants something at the store...it will cry and cry, but the stern parent just ignores or neglects the misbehaviour. In due course the child will get the message and calm down. Similarly the mind will introduce so many ideas and rationalizations for thinking something else, but one must just neglect the mind and force it back to japa. Step 3. Take shelter of the Holy Name. Now the mind is absorbed in the sound of the holy name. One's whole existence is only the holy name....there is nothing else to be conscious of. So realize that the holy name is in fact Krishna Himself and surrender completely to Him, and accept Him in the form of the Holy Name as everything and all that we really ever will need. Step 4. Obtain Krishna's Mercy If the Holy Name so desires, being pleased by our endevor He may bestow His mercy upon us and give us a glimpse of real bhakti and the sweetness of His loving friendship. Again....it's It really works! Hari Nama Ki Jay! |
The Ten Offenses in Chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra
The Hare Krishna mantra is unlimitedly powerful and has the potency to immediately cleanse us of all the reactions from our sinful activities from this an so many other lifetimes. It has the power to awaken within us our original pure love for Krishna. The Hare Krishna mantra has the power to connect us with an ever-increasing ocean of transcendental pleasure. On the other hand one can chant the Hare Krishna mantra for many, many births and not achieve any significant results at all. Why?
The answer is there is a quality to the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. If the chanting of Hare Krishna is done purely then the results will be very quick and very great, but if there are offenses in the chanting then the results will be very, very limited. Chanting Hare Krishna with offenses has been compared to trying to light a fire with one hand and pouring water on it with the other hand. So actually you will not be able to light the fire in this way. There will be practically no result. Only your effort will be there, but there will be no result.
Therefore if we want to be successful in the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra it is essential that we come to the platform of offenseless chanting. Actually in the beginning we can not chant the Hare Krishna mantra purely. There will be many offenses for sure. The only way to overcome these offenses actually is by chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
At least 16 rounds a day every day without fail. Also we must strictly following the four regulative principles:
- No illicit sex life [sex is only for having children in marriage, nothing else]
- No meat eating
- No gambling
- No intoxication
If we are thinking that we can make any advancement in Krishna consciousness without coming to the platform of chanting at 1east 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly following the four regulative principles we are simply deluding ourselves. There is no spiritual life without following these principles, only useless sentiment.
In addition to following the four regulative principles and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily we have to consider the ten offenses in regard to chanting the holy name:
- The first is to blaspheme the great devotees who have tried to spread the glories of the holy name throughout the world. The holy name of Kṛṣṇa is non-different from Kṛṣṇa, and one who attempts to spread the holy names throughout the world is beloved of Him. Kṛṣṇa Himself does not tolerate offenses against His pure devotees.
- The second offense is to deny that Lord Viṣṇu is the Absolute Truth. There is no difference between His name, quality, form, pastimes and activities, and one who sees a difference is considered an offender. The Lord is Supreme, and no one is equal to or greater than Him. Consequently if one thinks that the Lord’s names are nondifferent from the names of demigods, he offends. The Supreme Lord and the demigods should never be considered on the same level.
- The third offense is to consider the bona fide spiritual master to be a common man.
- The fourth offense is to blaspheme Vedic literature and authorized scriptures like the Purāṇas.
- The fifth offense is to consider the glories attributed to the holy names to be exaggerations.
- The sixth offense is to concoct perverted theories about the holy name.
- The seventh offense is to commit sinful activities on the strength of chanting the holy name.It is understood that by chanting the holy names one is free from sinful reactions, but this does not mean that one should act sinfully on the strength of chanting. That is the greatest offense.
- The eighth offense is to consider that religious rituals, austerity, sacrifices or other forms of renunciation are equal to chanting the holy name. Chanting the holy name is as good as associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Pious activities are only means to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and they can even be performed for some material reason.
- The ninth offense is to preach the glories of the holy name of God to a faithless person who is not interested in hearing them.
- The tenth and last offense is to maintain material attachment even after hearing and chanting the holy names of God. The idea is that by chanting the holy name without offense, one can obtain elevation to the liberated platform. On the liberated platform one is freed from all material attachment. Thus if one chants the holy names and still has material attachments, he must be committing some offense.
[from TLC 1: Teachings to Rupa Gosvami]
Srila Prabhupada always stresses these points very strongly at initiation ceremonies and if he is not personally performing the initiation he stresses these points in his letter to the initiates.
The following quotes from a July 1969 letter Prabhupada wrote to his new disciples in London are typical:
“So this initiation means the preliminary chance for preparing oneself to achieve this highest perfection. I am very glad that you are already interested in the Krishna Consciousness Movement, and you will please chant at least 16 rounds daily, observing the rules and regulations.
“The four principle rules is that you will refrain from 1) meat-eating or partaking of fish or eggs, 2) illicit sexual connections, 3) intoxication (including cigarettes, coffee and tea) and 4) gambling.
“In addition to these rules there are ten offenses to chanting the Maha Mantra which should be avoided. These rules are as follows: 1) blaspheming the Lord’s devotee. 2) Considering the Lord and the demigods on the same level. 3) Neglecting the orders of the spiritual master. 4) Minimizing the authority of the Scriptures. 5) Interpreting the Holy Name of God. 6) Committing sin on the strength of chanting. 7) Instructing the glories of the Lord’s Name to the unfaithful. 8) Comparing the Holy Name with material piety. 9) Inattention while chanting the Holy Name. 10) Attachment to material things while engaged in the practice of chanting.
“So follow faithfully the above rules and regulations, help your godbrothers and sister in London to propagate Krishna Consciousness, and there is no question that you will all come out successful. I hope this will find you well.”
So you can see that coming to this platform of chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly following the four regulative principles is simply a prerequisite, a requirement which must be met before anyone can be initiated as a disciple in the Hare Krishna movement. And this initiation is simply the beginning. “So this initiation means the preliminary chance for preparing oneself to achieve this highest perfection.”
So after initiation there is whole process of training that one must undergo under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master to gradually rise himself to the platform of pure, offenseless chanting. There has to be surrender, service and he has to hear the instructions of the bona fide spiritual master and follow those instructions.
So Krishna consciousness is not a very cheap thing that can be had very easily. Krishna is not available to anyone very easily. Krishna can only be achieved by the mercy of His pure devotees. So there is no access to Krishna consciousness directly to Krishna. That is not the process. And Krishna will not reveal Himself to the devotee unless the devotee pleases and gets the mercy of Krishna’s pure devotees.
Therefore having a bona fide spiritual master and serving him and pleasing him and getting his mercy is essential. Otherwise there can be no advancement in Krishna consciousness. And unless the spiritual master is a pure devotee of Krishna then he has no potency to give you Krishna. He is simply a cheating rascal.
So in fact above all the rules and regulations and offenses I have mentioned the most important thing, the essential thing, which is required if you want to come to the stage of purely chanting the Hare Krishna mantra is you must have a bona fide spiritual master who is a pure devotee of Krishna. Without having a bona fide spiritual master you can chant Hare Krishna forever but you will not be able to advance because Krishna does not reveal Himself in this way. He only reveals Himself to those devotees who surrender to and serve and please His pure devotees.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!