what is result of ones?

it is told if u chant lord's name ones,if u go to dham ones,if u take darshan of lord ones

            these all give a lot result but i have done all these many times but i does not feel that i m spritually elevated?why not ?

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  • Volunteer

    You are not feeling elevated spiritually because you have no faith.

    You are trying to figure out God. Like someone was asking how come when mother yashoda was using the rope to tie Krishna was not enough the first time and when she added more rope 2 times still it wasnt enough...

    A devotee say God is so great. He can do anything.

    Simply by saying the Name of the Lord just once is more than sufficient to lose all past Karma acquired over millions of births. If you leave the body right after you take the name of the Lord, you will surely reach Vaikunta planets.

    However if you dont leave the body, but continue to commit sin, you will get back into the cycle of birth, death, oldage and disease.

    You are probably living a sinful life and only taking the name of God to cheat the system and therefore you are not feeling elevated.

    We must chant the Holy Names of the Lord so much that when we take the Name of the Lord, it should give us tears to our eyes.

    I suggest listening to Prabhupad's Bhagavadgita mp3 or audio as much as you can. Even play it all night while you are sleeping.

    We need a brainwash from the brainwashing done to us by the world, TV, advertisements etc.


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