
  • E-Counselor
    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Saw your profile. Kota is having preaching prabhuji. PLease find out. I think there is atelast a Base there, if not a centre. Please visit.

    Regarding organizing sankritan - very very noble thought. The thing is - to be effective, one needs a band of devotees, not a musical band who will sing for money. That is the reason I am saying please get in touch with local devotees where you are. THen you can have a no cost sankirtan party.

    Jai. All glories to you for having this noble thought.

    Maybe you could organize a deepdaan in your college or outside the hostel mess, or even in your hostel common room. That would be so pleasing to Krsna. Keep it simple. Simply say - Make a Wish, Light a Lamp. Keep a picture of Yashoda Damodar and organize (even used) diyas with ghee wick. Gather 4-5 friends to volunteer. Take permission from authorities. That's all. Your deepdaan program is ready. Keep track of number of lamps offered.

    Your servant,
    Radha Rasamayi DD
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